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2018-09-27 | 编辑:广州环球教育 | 分享到


Task Type 2: Identifying Information (TFNG) 信息判断题

£  Recognize particular points of information.

£  Answer questions about a number of statements.

£  Write the answer ‘true’, ‘false’, or ‘not given’ on the answer sheet.

£  The questions are in the same order as the information in the text.

£  这种题型需要判断特定的信息点。

£  题中含有多个陈述,要对这些陈述判断作答。


£  Write ‘true’, ‘false’ or ‘not given’ according to the text (not your personal knowledge).

£  If you have found the answers to No.2 and No.4 you know the answer to No.3 is somewhere in between.

£  根据文章(而非你自己了解的只是)填写“true”“false”或“not given”。

£  如果你找到了第2题和第4题的答案,则可得知蒂3题的答案位于两者之剑的某处。

Tip: Matching Statements: True? False? Not given?

In TFNG-type questions you match two statements what is stated in the question and what is stated in the passage. You match meaning, not particular words or phrases.

£  The meaning is the same = True

£  The meaning is the opposite = False

£  The meaning of the question is neither confirmed (true) nor contradicted (false) in the text = Not Given


£  意思相同= True

£  意思相反= False

£  问题所表达的意思在文中既未得到肯定(true)也未得到否定(false)=Not Given


£  If you are running out of time, guess – you have a one-in-three chance of being right.

£  如果时间不够,猜测作答——你有三分之一的答对几率。

Exercise 练习

Read the following extract and answer the question below.


People often joke about procrastination saying things like ‘Why do today what you can put off till tomorrow?” Generally speaking, it is no laughing matter. Occasionally procrastination can have a positive outcome. For example, a problem may solve itself over time or the meeting you haven’t prepared for is cancelled. And some people do work faster and more efficiently under time pressure. Most often, though, procrastination turns out to be a serious problem costing big businesses millions of dollars every year.

Surveys have shown that the average worker procrastinates an estimated 20% of the time which amounts to chronic behaviour and it is found in just about every occupation and profession. Doctor, too, are known for it.

An inability to say no often leads to procrastination. Even executives find it difficult to refuse additional work when they are already overworked. When their superior, or subordinate, makes a request, executives rarely take the trouble to explain that dealing with this particular issue means something else has to be let go.

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text?


TRUE        if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE       if the statement contradicts the in formation

NOT GIVEN   if there is no information on this

1 Some people work better at the last minutes.

2 Procrastination is usually harmless.

3 Large corporations lose millions of dollars annually because of procrastination.

4 Doctors procrastinate more than other people.

5 Executives who have trouble saying no to their boss do not have trouble saying no to an assistant.




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授课风格:亲切有耐心,化繁为简,因材施教。善于发现学生的优点和倾听学生... [详情]