并列逻辑. 这是最简单的一种逻辑,在填空类题目里运用最为广泛,它可以帮助我们做出答案,也可以帮我们以并列同类项的方式排除错误答案。
As well as,as well,both…and…, or,neither…nor…,also,too,not only…but also,first…second…third…,from … to … 以
原文:To be at their most effective in their self-regulation, all children can be helped to identify their own ways of learning --- metacognition --- which will include strategies of planning, monitoring, evaluation, and choice of what to learn. Emotional awareness is also part of metacognition, so children should be aware of their feelings around the area to be learned.
题目:Metacognition involves children understanding their own learning strategies, as well as developing ______
根据metacognition我们可以定位到出题句,再根据题目要求,我们要填写的是strategies as well as并列的名词,我们需要把重点放在寻找并列结构上。最先看到的并列结构是planning, monitoring, evaluation, and choice,但这四个词和strategies并不是并列关系,且无法填写这么多词,我们继续往下看,会看到also表示并列,大多数题目的考点替换词都是简单词汇,剑12中也有also成为考点替换词的题目,需要大家做完题目后自己去总结。这题答案就是Emotional awareness。
原文:And in the 17century, it was common practice for mathematicians to keep their discoveries and proofs secret, by writing them in cipher, in obscure languages, or in private messages deposited in a sealed box with the Royal Society. Some scientists might have felt more comfortable with Latin precisely because its audience, though international, was socially restricted. Doctors clung the most keenly to Latin as an “insider language”.
题目:Sometimes the desire to protect ideas seems to have been stronger than the desire to communicate them, particularly in the case of mathematicians and ______
原文:First, it lacked the necessary technical vocabulary. Second, it lacked the grammatical resources required to...
题目:In Britain moreover, scientists worried that English had neither the 30 ________ nor the 31 _______ to express their ideas.
neither…nor…是找不到的,毕竟雅思考试不是连连看, 但first…second…也表示了并列逻辑,答案显而易见了。
原文:Yessis believes that U.S. runners, despite their impressive achievements, are running on their genetics’. By applying more scientific methods, “they are going to go much faster.” these methods include strength training that duplicates what they are doing in their running events as well as plyometrics, a technique pioneered in the former Soviet Union. Whereas most exercises are designed to build up strength or endurance, plyometrics focuses on increasing power---- the rate at which an athlete can expend energy.
题目:Yessis describe a training approach from the former Soviet Union that aims to develop an athlete’s ______ (one word)
根据yessis人名和Soviet Union定位段落,接下来我们要寻找空前后的替换词,题目问:目的是开发_____,回到原文中最先看到的是are designed to build up和develop存在含义上的替换关系。但题目要求填写一个词,strength or endurance没法哪词正确,因此属于同类项,排除。继续往后找,发现focuses on increasing,答案就是后面的power。可能有的同学不敢相信会考察develop和increase如此简单的替换,他们会继续往后看倒expend表示“扩张扩展”有develop的含义,答案写成了energy。非常可惜,同学,你把词背串了,expand才是扩展的意思。这就类似汉语中的“戊戌”“饕餮”等形近字,把它们总结在一起,类比的方法来背,会更容易记住。
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