ïn most cities and towns, the ïłigh volumes of road tpajic become a problem. What are the causes of that arid what actions can be · taken to soıve the problem? 12012. 07. 2ı]
In recent years, most countries are conlronted with the wban problem that road traffic has turned to beovercrowded. [ 引 人主题 ] It is ţındeniable that traffic congestion has adversely affected our working efficiency and mood. So how to address it becomes a thorny task for authorities. [ 转述原题 ] ln this essax I will analyse the reasons before giving several suggested measures. [ 文章 目 的]
A Nowadays saine individuals beftave in an amli-socie{v +pay) such as committing a cnfma bt
general, it is the sociew Io blame. Wliat causes the anbsocial behuviours ofinMviduals? }Mo
should be responsiblejor dealing with it? [2011. 0I. 22]
In schools and universities, girls tend to choose art subjects while boys prefer to study science
subjec, ts. What are the reasons Jor these preferences? What could be done to change thesituation? [2011. 07. 28]
The number of people who watclt foreign films is much more than people who watch local
films. Describe the reasons. should the government providefinancial support to the localfilmindusMes? [2011. 08. 27]
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