Nowadays, not enough students choose science subjects in university in many countries.
What are the reasons for this problem? Wnat are the ejFects on the society? t2013. 02. 231
Today, t}*e qualiw of life in some big cities is getting worse. What are the causes of thisproblem? What measures do you think should be taken to deal with the problem?1201 3. 05. I1J
the major cities in the world are grorving fast and many ppoblems occur. What are Wpro blems that young people living in cities are Jaced with? How could these problems besolved? 【2014. 09. 06】
In tnany parts of the world, children and teenagers are cominitting more crimes. winthink it is the case? How should children or teenagers be punished? 12014. 08. 02j
many people think it is very imporiant to protect the environment, but they make..no effort
to do it themselves. Why do you think it is the case? What actions can be done to suggest individuals protecting the environment?[2011.04.16]
核心问题: individuals make no efiFort to protect the environment
答题方向:reasons and solutions
原因 1 lack the ability to solve environmental problems (monex management and technology)
方案 1 setup incentives (rewards)
原因 2 be less aware ofthe impact ofindividual actions on enviroiunental protection
方案 2 raise the public awareness of environmental protection by media and education
Nowaday many developing countries are expanding tourisim. why is it the case? Is it positive or negative? [2006. 05. 20]
核心问题: developing countries focus on tourism
答题方向:reasons and impacts
原因 1 be related to economic development
影响 1 damagetheenvironment
原因 2 intend to promote cross-cultural communication
影响 2 lead to cultural invasion
Some people think that the pise of living standard in a countqy open only benefits cities
rather than rural areas. What problems can be caused and how to reduce these problems?[2013. 10. 26]
核心问题 the standard of living is higher in cities compared to rural areas
答题方向 proMems and solutions
问题 1 result in regional unbalanced development
方案 1 promote balanced development among regions
问题 2 lead to social unrest
方案 2 carry out policy supporT to rural areas
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