In most cities and towns, the high volumes of road trahie become a problem. What are thecauses of that and what actions can be taken to solve theproblem? [2012. 07. 21]
WDen it comes to the reasons leading to traffic jams, two aspects should be considered. [ 主题句 ]A possible cause of this problem is that the number of private cars is rapidly rising in major cities. Inparticular, with the increasing income level, more and more people can afford to buy cars for individual
convenience or for showing their status. [ 原因 1+ 论据 1 ) And in the meanwhile, the governmentencourages the development of motor vehicle industry so as to get a great amount of tax income. As aresult, road traffic has become more crowded. [ 原因 2+ 论据 2 ] In addition, not all the drivers areexperienced in driving, and even worse, some do not obey traffic rules. In fact, it is common to see thatthe incidents like vehicular crashes and breakdowns are always influencing the traffic flow in travel
a· [Many people are busy )with-work and do not have enough time to spend with families and
whole? [2008. 04. 12]
b. Research suggests that the majority of criminals who are sent to prison would commit crime
when setfree. wIry do you think is the case? What can be done to solve this problem?[2009. 06. 1 3]
In most cities and towns, the high volumes of road trahie beconte a problem. what are thecauses of tliat and what actions can be taken to solve theppoblem? [2012. 07. 21]
There are several measures which could tackle chronic traffic jams. [ 主题句 ] In the first place, thegovernment needs to discourage the use of private cars through several measures like raising the fuelprice and increasing parking fees. When the cost of driving cars becomes higher, some people willchoose to travel by public transportation. As a result, road traffic pressure could be relieved. [ 方案 1 ]Besides this, the test for driving license needs to be stricter. Those people who neither master drivingskills nor obey traffic rules should not be allowed to get driving licenses. What's more, the punishmenton the incompetent drivers is supposed to be heavier. [ 方案 2 ]
Research suggests that the majority of criminals who are sent to prison would commit
crime when setfree. Why do you think is the ease? What can be done to solve this problem?[2009. 06. 13]
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