which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
1 关注句内逻辑关系
Geographic isolation creates opportunities for new species to develop, but it does not necessarily lead to new species because speciation occurs when the gene pool undergoes enough changes to establish reproductive barriers between the isolated population and its parent population.
(TPO42-Geographic Isolation of Species)
A Geographic isolation is sometimes but not always the reason for the creation of reproductive barriers between a parent population and the populations descended from it.
B Genetic changes in a geographically isolated population do not necessarily make the population look different enough from its parent population to be considered a new species.
C Geographical isolation allows the separated populations to evolve independently of each other and so can lead to the formation of new species.
D Geographic isolation can lead to new species only if the gene pool of the isolated population changes enough to prevent it from reproducing with the parent population.
考察句Geographic isolation creates opportunities for new species to develop, but it does not necessarily lead to new species because speciation occurs...中
but 引导的是“creates opportunities”与“does not necessarily lead to ”的对立关系,指的是地理隔离能导致物种隔离,但并不一定总能隔离物种。
because引导的是“ does not necessarily lead to new species” 与“ the gene pool undergoes enough changes to establish reproductive barriers” 间的解释关系。说的是,形成新物种的条件是生物间的基因库经历了足够多的改变去建立繁殖障碍,简化后是“not necessarily ”与“enough changes”间的对应关系,也就是量变才能产生质变,即新物种形成。
转折信息重点是转折后的内容,因果关系的重点是因果相关的内容。所以,这句话整体的重点应该放在 “ does not necessarily lead to new species” 的原因是“ the gene pool undergoes enough changes to establish reproductive barriers”这部分上。
A Geographic isolation is sometimes but not always the reason…与转折关系对应,但遗漏掉因果关系,错误?
B Genetic changes do not necessarily make the population look different enough from its parent population…与转折后的否定信息有关,但语意稍有扭曲,并且未涉及因果内容?
C 表达出“evolve independently of each other” 与“lead to the formation of new species”间的因果关系,与考察句语意偏差?
D only if 与考察句because呼应,表达地理隔离形成的条件“lead to new species”与“the gene pool of the isolated population changes enough”间的对应关系,与考察句的重点吻合?
2 关注句子主干。
According to conventional theory, yawning takes place when people are bored or sleepy and serves the function of increasing alertness by reversing, through deeper breathing, the drop in blood oxygen levels that are caused by the shallow breathing that accompanies lack of sleep or boredom. (TPO19 the mystery of yawning)
AIt is the conventional theory that when people are bored or sleepy, they often experience a drop in blood oxygen levels due to their shallow breathing.
B The conventional theory is that people yawn when bored or sleepy because yawning raises blood oxygen levels, which in turn raises alertness.
C According to conventional theory, yawning is more likely to occur when people are bored or sleepy than when they are alert and breathing deeply.
DYawning according to the conventional theory, is caused by boredom or lack of sleep and can be avoided through deeper breathing.
考察句According to conventional theory, yawning takes place 【when people are bored or sleepy】 and serves the function of increasing alertness [by reversing, through deeper breathing, the drop in blood oxygen levels] [that are caused by the shallow breathing] [that accompanies lack of sleep or boredom.]
化繁为简的信息变为:yawning takes place when people are bored or sleepy and yawning serves the function of increasing alertness.
A 简化信息为:people often experience a drop in blood oxygen levels due to ….细节正确,但主题yawning没提到?
B people yawn when bored or sleepy 与考察句yawning takes place when people are bored or sleepy同意改写?;yawning raises alertness 与考察句 yawning serves the function of increasing alertness同意改写?
C 简化信息为yawning is more likely to occur when…than when …考察句未将打哈欠发生概率进行对比,属于未提及信息?
D 简化信息为:Yawning is caused by boredom or lack of sleep and yawning can be avoided through…选项中的avoided是考察句中未提及信息?
1 与考察句的意思矛盾;2 遗漏考察句中的重要信息。
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