Some people think that it is better to educate boys and girls .
in separate schools. Others, however, believe that boys and
girls benefit more from attending mixed schools. Discuss
both these views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant ex-
amples from your own knowledge or experience.
Throughout the history, there has always been a gender
gap. Only in recent years have we started 'breaking the
walls' between the genders. Even s0, it is still a hot topic
whether there should be mixed-gender schools or not.
From my perspective, boys and girlse have much to learn
from each other. Therefore, they should study together. In
this essay, I am going to discuss the benefits and draw-
backs of mixed-gender and single-gender schools.
To begin with, we live in a world full of different national-
ities, races, genders, and cultures.It is important for an in-
dividual to treat overyone around them with respect. That
is why we need mixd-sex education. It will help children
to understand each others' uniqueness and provide them
with the opportunity to acquire interpersonal skills.
On the flip side, singlC-scx schools focus on gender-spe-
cific activities like knitting or cooking for girls and me-
chanics, clectronics or carpentry for boys. Consequently,
graduates from this typc of institutions will have greater
sills and knowledge in those activities. That, potentially,
can provide them with benefits in their careers. For in-
stance, a girl who lcarned cooking or designing at school
can easily become a professional cook or a designer when
she grows up.
To recapitulate, both types of educational systems have
advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless,
mixed-gender institutions tend to prepare their graduates
to the real world situations better than single-gender
schools. It is essential to remember that every suecessful
person should know how to interact/communicate with dif-
ferent categories of people. This skill can only be obtained
from a diverse environment such as mixed-sex schools.
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