Percentages of boys and girlsgetting top grade in 1960 and 2000 in different subjects.
Some people think that the detailed description of crimes on newspaper and TV has bad consequence, so this kind of information should be restricted in the media. Towhat extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
不良后果 - 1. 细节指导,模仿犯罪;2. 不良情绪 - 引发普通人恐慌、另外愤怒民意操纵审判;3. 受害者隐私和痛苦再现;
有益部分 - 1.培养民众防范意识;
(思路仅供参考) In my country, the exposition of severecriminal commitments has gained public attention thanks to mass media, socialnetworking sites in particular, helping monitor the justice in trials andpromote legal knowledge. However, specific descriptions of some cases have beenillustrated on such media and I believe it generally harmful to the whole society. A through representation of crime isdangerous, irritating and irresponsible. Firstly, this sort of elaborationinvolving each step in preparation and conduction of crimes acts as a guidebookfor potential criminals, which will trigger more similar cases in whichfollowers may adopt improved and thus more complicated skills and processes towipe out evidence. Secondly, common people are likely to panic as they maybring themselves into the horrifying scenarios and meanwhile, the total courseof it is usually so cruel and inhumane that it can easily provoke rampage onthe social network, which inevitably presses the court and the judge topronounce heavier sentence to suspects. In this situation, the justice of lawis actually manipulated by the press, intentionally or unintentionally. Lastly,in a minor but no less important scale, victims or their family may read aboutthe passages and will suffer again and more deeply because of their throughrepresentation. Therefore, the details are radically unnecessary.
However, some may argue that public canlearn from the detailed steps and cruel realities can help them bettercomprehend the necessity of taking preventive measures. I still doubt it forthe great amount of negative emotions along with this education and some moremoderate approaches can take effect as well.
In conclusion, I insist that to expose thenature of crimes is essential in this modern and civilized society but thedetails should be ignore and hidden from the ordinary for reasons mentioned.
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