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2020-05-18 | 编辑:y | 分享到


Some people think that drug companies have the responsibility to spend money

on researching medicine in order to help the people in poorer countries. Others,

however, say the main responsibility of drug companies is to make money.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Sample Answer [287 words]


The question of affordable healthcare and the role drug companies play are popular topics in the

media. The argument of social responsibility along with ethics against the back drop of financial

accountability to shareholders is a dilemma with no end. Who will prevail? The people, especially

those in poverty, or stakeholders, demanding returns on investment? For many this is a‘Catch-22'


Universal health care, ensures a blanket coverage. However, poorer nations cannot afford this luxury.

Many are dependent on the good-will, of corporations together with overseas aid from govemments

and charities. Furthermore, drug companies are businesses, and all businesses need to turm a profit.

The accumulated profits can be reinvested, developing new and safer medications. Yet these

processes are time-consuming as well as expensive. In addition, money does not grow on trees and

bills must be paid.

Here lies the conundrum, how much is a fair price? Many people believe 'Big Pharma' are in cahoots

with insurance companies to elevate drug costs arifiall. This is an intolerable situation, as it

disadvantages the impoverished. The mantra of 'people before proft' is heard often, yet without profit

or even price gouging, subsidizing health initiatives would not be possible.

Consequently, governments need to take care of the weakest in their communities. An oversight

committee made up of luminaries could help investigate pricings to ensure ethical standards are

upheld, whilst the well-being of others are maintained. Perhaps govemnment grants and investment

are avenues to investigate.

In conclusion, there is no easy fx to this matter; this can has been kicked down a long road for a long

time. That being said, the time to act is now, as affordable medicine not only prevents tragedies but

also saves lives.



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