雅思写作这个大难题,引无数烤鸭们尽折腰!一提到雅思写作,烤鸭们就忍不住热泪盈眶了吧。其实,要想在雅思写作中得到高分,除了考生自身的英语功底之外,也要掌握一定的雅思考试规律, 下面小编就来介绍一下雅思写作备考相关:雅思写作g类和a类大作文一样吗?
雅思的大作文,A类和G类是互相交合的一个关系。无论是A还是G,雅思作文的类别都是一样的,包含了问题解决,同意不同意,观点比较,说明描述以及综合类。但是学术类和移民类的大作文还是有一定的差别。学术类的总体偏向更深的社会层面,比较少涉及生活层面,而G类更加偏向社会问题和更带有争议性的问题,比如像 ‘house 好还是 apartment 好’;‘冬天好还是夏天好’这样的题目一般都出现在G类的考试里。 至于比重,学术类里出现的说明文和议论文居多,而移民类更加偏向于生活和社会现象较浅的层次。 最后从A类和G类的解题来看,G类的题目也相对比A类好理解得多。但是就应试的技巧性来说,两个类别并没有太大区分。笔者将会在下次的日志里,就这两类写作考试的评分标准细节中再进一步探讨。
下面是摘自官网,可以看出,G类要求更加宽松,不需如学术类那样正规,严谨,用词也偏生活化。这一点在剑桥范文中表现很明显。现在市面的教材都是针对A类,我认为G类与A类差别很大。The second tasks are quite similar in that they are both discursive and candidates may need to present a solution to a problem, present and justify an opinion, or evaluate and challenge ideas, evidence or arguments. However, the topics in General Training Writing are topics of general interest which tend to be more concrete and personal than those in Academic Writing. The topics and instructions in General Training Writing require candidates to provide general factual information and usually do not require the same degree of comparison and contrast of evidence, opinion or implication, as Academic Writing does. The second task in Academic Writing also assumes an academic context and should therefore be formal in style.
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