It is generally accepted that the majority ofleadersqualify perseverance. Typical example is Nelson Mandela, whowas the south blackpolitical leader and former president, wasawarded 1993 Nobel Peace for hisefforts to antiracism andantiapartheid. In spite of more than a quarter centuryofimprisonment, he still dedicates his life for the human rights andracialequality. Another case is Mother Teresa, who was the winnerof the Nobel Peace,devoted the majority of her life to helping thepoor inIndia
althoughshe was exposed to diverse adversities.
Admittedly, there is one majorreason why people fail tobalance their life and work. Modern communicationtechnology seemsto be primary culprit. At present, I frequently bring the workhome,sending emails to my employers related to work placement orproposals;similarly, working as a surgeon, my father regularlysupervises relevantemergent cases via mobile phones when he is on avacation.
Unquestionably, it isadvertising that gives general publicaccess to two major strengths related totheir life. The optimalfacet is that practical information is available topopulace withdifferent age groups. Take tourism packing as a specific case,thegraying population are likely to make wise decision where to travelthanksto diverse publicity on the advertising. Similarly, thanks toadvertising, theyouth tend to have access to their appealingdigital products, like mobile phones,cameras… Luckily, mid-agedmigrant workers seem to seek for their ideal jobsattributing torecruiting advertising. Another possibility is that itseducationalfunction. A case in point is the publicity related towildlifeprotection. Watching such public service advertisement,audiences are likely torefuse to enjoy shark fin soap or wearclothes made from endangered species. Likewise,touched by imagesexposed on TV, general public may regularly visit theirparents,showing filial piety towards them.
Unquestionably, electronic media is thefastest. A case in point isthat alarge number of rescue teams aroundChina
instantly rushed to the tunnel suffered from severe mudslideinSichuanprovince withinan hour when information was covered on theTencent internet, while suchcoverage on the newspapers seems to beaccessible to relevant sectors the nextday.
Admittedly,remarkable transitions have occurredtoWUXI
.The outstanding facet seems to refer to its environment aroundthe neighborhood.In the past, silt and debris used to be dumped bycitizens, resulting in smellyrivers and streams, especially in therural area. At present, however, withcharming vegetation andgreening area surrounded, living surrounding has beenperfectlypromoted. Another important transition is that public transportispretty convenient. Years ago, buses frequency was so extremelylow that thevast majority of people were accustomed to driving. Onthe contrary, not onlyhas municipal government in WUXI launches thevast sum on the shuttle buses,subways or taxis, but also thepublicity on the preferential policies motivatescitizens to opt foreco-friendly means of transport.
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