雅思口语Part2:A sport you want to try 你想尝试的运动!提起运动项目,我们能够想到很多种,篮球,冲浪,跑步,都是常见的运动。当提到你想尝试的运动,你又会想到什么运动呢?
Describe a sport you want to try for the first time
You should say:
◆ What is it
◆ How you would learn it
◆ What equipment is needed
And explain why you would like to try it
Sample Answer高分答案
I remember seeing an interesting online quiz that tries to tell you if you are fit for doing certain sports. The quiz tries to gauge your physical attributes and personality, and matches you with a suitable sport to try. By working on the questions, I realized a lot of the “cool” sports require extreme characteristics. For example, not many shorter people are likely to succeed in volleyball, and those with poor stamina will not be a good triathlete. It sounds surreal that the quiz says competitive cheerleading will be a great match for me, because the agility and power that it takes go way beyond my capabilities. However, I know deep down that competitive cheerleading is something I would love to try.
For a long time, I thought that cheerleading was just a show, a dance, a type of performance that motivates the sports team and entertain the audience. You just need to look pretty - preferably be skinny – and have great moves,then you are qualified to join the cheerleading team. This impression lasted until I came across a TV documentary that talked about the competitive cheerleading in North America. The show followed the life of some high school students who aspired to join the country’s best cheerleading team, and gave the audience a first-hand experience of what it was like to try out for the team, as well as practicing for and competing in competitive cheerleading. Depending on the position, a competitive cheerleader needs to either perform stunts, jumps, tumbling, or lifting and catching a flying teammate. In a nutshell, it’s a combination of gymnastics and acrobatics: cheerleaders need to work in a team and perform dangerous moves to compete with other teams. The competitions generally involve tossing someone up into the air to land on top of a group of teammates, with the goal of performing dangerous posts involving connecting at the legs or arms with other flyers, followed by jumping down for a landing assisted by the group on the ground. Equipment needed centers around mostly for support and protection, such as knee braces, ankle wraps and floor mats. Other than these, you are on your own, hoping that your landing is accurate and your teammates are reliable. The only way that I can learn about this sport is to join a competitive cheerleading team in high school or college, which is impossible to do right now.
Though it sounds extremely dangerous, it is also one of the most beautiful sports I have even seen. Its moves are exciting and complex, and it takes great upper body strength with precise physical coordination to perform well. If there is ever a chance I can kid myself to try any simple move, such as tumbling, I would love to go for it.
1. 文章开头,作者提到从做一个线上心理测试中,了解到competitive cheerleading这一项运动,并且对其产生了好奇心。
2. 作者接着介绍自己过往对competitive cheerleading 的理解非常肤浅。后来看了一部关于北美高中生的纪录片,才对这项体育运动有了正确的认识。也简单的介绍了一下这项运动里面的具体位置、动作及需要的设备。正因为这个运动难度非常高,作者为没法真正参与觉得遗憾。
3. 最后作者说尽管这个运动又危险又难,却是作者见过的最好看的表演运动。作者也希望可以尝试一些简单的动作。
Language bits高分表达
Quiz: 小测
Gauge = evaluate
Stamina: 耐力
Triathlete: 铁人三项赛运动员
Surreal: 不真实
Agility: 敏捷
Tumbling: 翻筋斗
Toss: 抛
Acrobatics :杂技
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