很多托福烤鸭们都觉得6选3题好难好难呢,为什么看到总结题就开始犯怵呢? 你做这个题时,是把全文都看懂,大脑把所有细节再演练一遍,再去一一跟选项对应吗?
Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.
TPO40.3 Amphibian Thermoregulation: Although amphibians are poor thermoregulators, they do have some control over their body temperature.
A.Frogs, which survive temperature ranges from as low as -2℃ to as high as 41℃, are evidence that amphibians are independent of ambient temperatures.
B.Physical adaptations offer amphibians a number of ways to protect against extreme or dangerous climate conditions.
C.Amphibians can increase their body temperature by exposing themselves to the sun (heliothermy) and by pressing against the ground (thigmothermy).
D.Sunrise is the time when some amphibian species have the greatest need for thermoregulatory mechanisms.
E.Avoidance behaviors, such as sheltering from the sun, as well as estivation and hibernation, help amphibians control their body temperature.
F.Hibernation always involves digging deep holes in mud or sand, whereas estivation sometimes involves nothing more than hiding in deep rock crevasses.
A.Frogs, which survive temperature ranges from as low as -2℃ to as high as 41℃, are evidence that amphibians are independent of ambient temperatures.
B.Physical adaptations offer amphibians a number of ways to protect against extreme or dangerous climate conditions.
C.Amphibians can increase their body temperature by exposing themselves to the sun (heliothermy) and by pressing against the ground (thigmothermy).
D.Sunrise is the time when some amphibian species have the greatest need for thermoregulatory mechanisms.
E.Avoidance behaviors, such as sheltering from the sun, as well as estivation and hibernation, help amphibians control their body temperature.
F.Hibernation always involves digging deep holes in mud or sand, whereas estivation sometimes involves nothing more than hiding in deep rock crevasses.
TPO24-3 Moving into Pueblos: In the thirteenth century, the people in the Mesa Verde area went from living in scattered independent households to living in large pueblos.
Paragraph1: In the Mesa Verde area of the ancient North American Southwest, living patterns changed in the thirteenth century, with large numbers of people moving into large communal dwellings called pueblos, often constructed at the edges of canyons, especially on the sides of cliffs.
Paragraph2: For transitions of such suddenness, archaeologists consider either pull factors (benefits that drew families together) or push factors (some external threat or crisis that forced people to aggregate).
Paragraph3: Population growth is considered a particularly influential push.
Paragraph4: Another important push was the onset of the Little Ice Age, a climatic phenomenon that led to cooler temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere.
Paragraph5: In the face of all these pushes, people in the Mesa Verde area had yet another reason to move into communal villages: the need for greater cooperation.
Paragraph1: In the Mesa Verde area of the ancient North American Southwest, living patterns changed in the thirteenth century, with large numbers of people moving into large communal dwellings called pueblos, often constructed at the edges of canyons, especially on the sides of cliffs. Paragraph2: For transitions of such suddenness, archaeologists consider either pull factors (benefits that drew families together) or push factors (some external threat or crisis that forced people to aggregate).
Paragraph3: Population growth is considered a particularly influential push.
Paragraph4: Another important push was the onset of the Little Ice Age, a climatic phenomenon that led to cooler temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere.
Paragraph5: In the face of all these pushes, people in the Mesa Verde area had yet another reason to move into communal villages: the need for greater cooperation.
这篇文章属于传统型的现象解释型文章,即引出人们Moving into Pueblos这个现象,进而解释该决定产生的原因,包括人口增长、冰川及社会合作。掐指一算,3个理由正好与3个正确答案对号入座。有个明确的答案预期后,我们来看下选项:
A. Because the thirteenth-century inhabitants of the Mesa Verde area did not have the cultural expectations of today's city dwellers, they easily adapted to communal life.
B. Even though living in pueblos had disadvantages, the population of the area had grown so large that there may have been no other arrangement that would have met its needs.
C. From the eleventh century onward, farmers began to increase food production on existing farmland and started bringing more land under cultivation.
D. A development that contributed to increasing population densities was a cooling climate that led many people to leave the coldest areas and crowd into climatically more favorable areas.
E. The primary reason for moving to pueblos was the social benefits associated with communal life.
F. People were brought together by the need to produce food cooperatively, as the use of food surpluses in one place to relieve shortages in another ended due to a change in climate
A. Because the thirteenth-century inhabitants of the Mesa Verde area did not have the cultural expectations of today's city dwellers, they easily adapted to communal life.
B. Even though living in pueblos had disadvantages, the population of the area had grown so large that there may have been no other arrangement that would have met its needs.
C. From the eleventh century onward, farmers began to increase food production on existing farmland and started bringing more land under cultivation.
D. A development that contributed to increasing population densities was a cooling climate that led many people to leave the coldest areas and crowd into climatically more favorable areas.
E. The primary reason for moving to pueblos was the social benefits associated with communal life.
F. People were brought together by the need to produce food cooperatively, as the use of food surpluses in one place to relieve shortages in another ended due to a change in climate
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