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2018-12-10 | 编辑:广州环球教育 | 分享到






Part 1


*黄色必考题 橙色高频题

Part 2 高频预测


*黄色难题 橙色高频题



Describe an important decision/ choice that you made in your life.

You should say:

What the decision was

When you took the decision

What the results of the decision was and whether it was a good choice.

I've made lots of decisions in my life and frankly I have taken those decisions sometimes all alone and sometimes discussing with my parents and others. The particular decision that seems very important to me was the time when I decided to major in Literature rather than major in Engineering. My mother wanted me to get admitted in the Eng. University and do my graduation majoring Engineering while my fascination was studying in Literature. I made this decision when I was 18 years of old, just after finishing my 12th grade. My father did not force me to do anything; instead, he told me to do what I thought was best for me. My relatives thought that I was a fool and too immature to make a big decision for myself.

But after considering several issues and perspective I decided to get myself admitted to a university that offers graduation in literature. I'm happy that I made this decision. I'm yet to finish my graduation but throughout the last 3 years I have enjoyed studying literature and I am doing quite well academically.

Making the decision was not easy and I had to go through a hard time as I remember. I had to fight a lot with my inner self and then convince my mother. There were always risks of picking the option I prefer my parents would have complained if I hadn’t made a promising result. I still remember the dubious feelings I had that time. Sometimes it seemed to me that I should abandon my passion and yield to my parents' decision and then again I strongly felt for my own choice and passion. Since I made my own choice at that time, a strong urge and force worked on me that I have to do really good and I am happy that I took my decision and doing very good so far.



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授课风格:亲切有耐心,化繁为简,因材施教。善于发现学生的优点和倾听学生... [详情]