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2018-11-12 | 编辑:广州环球教育 | 分享到






Part 1


*黄色必考题 橙色高频题

Part 2 高频预测


*黄色难题 橙色高频题



Describe a time when you watched process of a certain plant

What I’m going to share with you is the time when I observed the glowing process of a cactus.

I got this potted flower from one of my friends who’s really into keeping plants/ really has green fingers. When I first got this cactus, I’d say it was not quite to my liking as it was not as elegant as lilies and roses. But still, I tended it on a regular basis.

In my spare time, I tend to enjoy a bit of me time reading books on the balcony where there are some tubs of flowers. Occasionally, I take a glimpse of them. Most of the flowers are quite gorgeous, except the cactus which is the least catchy one. Nothing has changed since I got it from my friend. Like I’ve mentioned just now, I observed on a regular basis. But it was the moment when it flowered that has completely changed my mind. Some of them were just in buds, just like shy little girls with rosy cheeks. But some of them had already in full bloom, which actually form a blaze of color and brighten up the cactus.

As you can imagine, I’ve grown to be fond of it, esp when I saw the bloom, which made me realize that cactus was such a low-profile plant. And the reason why I said that is mainly because it is not the kind of delicate flower which needs to be taken care of in glasshouses, but a humble and modest plant that can accommodate itself to pretty much all of the tough environments.



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授课风格:亲切有耐心,化繁为简,因材施教。善于发现学生的优点和倾听学生... [详情]