A lot of young people do not know how to manage their money when graduating from high school. What do you think are the reasons? What can be done to teach them this important skill?
Many young people are leaving school without a basic and vital understanding of how personal finances ought to be managed in the adult world. 改写 This lack of knowledge is due to a lack of life experience and limited education which can be solved in two simple ways.
02 核心段
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原因1 One main reason why so many young people are unable to manage their own finances upon finishing high school is that they have been living along with their parents for free. As a result, they have never needed to earn a salary or save their money in order to pay bills.
原因2 Another cause is that schools do not factor personal financial management into their curriculum. Schools focus instead on classic subjects, such as maths, geography, history and languages, which means important life skills are not being: taught. Both teachers and parents are failing to prepare young people for the real world.(此句更像topic sentence,放开头可能会更好。)
预告段落 There are two options for solving young people's inability to manage personal finances. Firstly, parents should spend time with their children teaching them how money is earned, budgeted and used for either: savings or expenses. One simple step could be for parents to start by teaching young children how to manage their pocket money and, as their child grows up, expand into more serious household expenses. Secondly, schools should incorporate life skills into their curriculum for final year students. In this way, children will be able to learn in a supportive environment how their finances need to be budgeted and managed to avoid debt problems later in life.
PS.升华有风险,使用需谨慎。 In conclusion, young people lack financial management skills due to the negligence of parents and schools, which can only be solved if both take more responsibility for equipping school leavers with the right skills.
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