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2020-05-18 | 编辑:y | 分享到


  Some people believe that women should play an equal role as men in a country's

  police force or military force. However, others think that women are not suitable

  for these kinds of jobs. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

  Sample Answer [294 words]


  The issue of gender equality has been widely debated for centuries and continues to be a popular

  topic in present-day society. There are certain occupations that have traditionally been occupied by

  males or females. However, this view is being systematically challenged.

  It is true that females and males ought to have the equal right to play a role in a nation's police and

  military force. Nevertheless, not all women might prefer to become police officers or soldiers as an

  occupation. There are numerous policewomen and female soldiers who choose these jobs out of

  willingness and passion. Furthermore, not all policewomen and soldiers are directly involved in

  pursuing criminals or fighting with the enemy. Instead, some of them might work in offices or have

  clerical positions.

  To generalise, men tend to have greater physical strength than women on the whole and these

  occupations require such power. Police fficers and soldiers ought to have strong physiques in order

  to intimidate their enemies, not to mention that the job is quite demanding and may require employees

  to work at all hours of the night. To say that women are unsuitable for these positions denies them the

  right to pursue this line of work.

  All in all, I support the idea that women can pursue any type of work men are able to do. Whether

  females are willing to become police officers or soldiers to the extent that men work in these fields is

  another issue. Nevertheless, there shouldn't be barriers of entry for women who dream of having

  these types of careers.



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