1.Incorrect: the sun will rise at 5:30 tomorrow morning.
Correct: The sun will rise at 5:30 tomorrow morning.
2 Incorrect: He hated the role, But it gave him the money to live well for the rest of his life.
Correct: He hated the role, but it gave him the money to live well for the rest of his life.
1 逗号
Don 't use commas when there are only two items in a list.
Incorrect: I like coffee, and donuts for breakfast.
Correct: I like coffee and donuts for breakfast.
Don't use commas when "and"or "or"joins each item.
Incorrect: I enjoy a warm bath, and a soft bed, and a good night's sleep.
Correct: I enjoy a warm bath and a soft bed and a good night's sleep.
Don't use commas aftef the last item in the series ·
Incorrect: Red, white, and blue, afe my favourite colours.
correct: Red, white, and blue are nly favoufite colotas.
2 句号
Incorrect It is nearly halfpast tive, we cannot reach the town before dark.
correct: It is nearly halfpast five. we cannot reach the town before dark,
Incorrect: I said to him, "i beg your pafdon? Wnat did you say to me?"
correct : I said to him,"I beg yotG pafdon? Wnat did you say to me?"
1 Incorrect: There are two thing we must get rid of early in life.
Correct: There are two things we must get rid ofearly in life.
2 Incorrect: Success will arousejealousx and idleness will arouse complaint.
Correct: Success will arousejealousx and idleness will arouse complaints.
3 Incorrect: Here all the boundary fade away and the world reveals itselffor the mad
slaughterhouse that it is.'. $jit
Correct: Here all the boundaries fade away'" and the world reveals itself for the mad slaughterhouse that it is.
4 Incorrect: We can start the interview now, as all the candidate have a1Tived.
Correct: We can start the interviews now, as all the candidates have alTived.
Incorrect: At present, we should learned English language well.
Correct: At present, we should learn English language well.
2 Incorrect: John was help Peter.
Correct: John was helped by Peter. / peter helped John.
3 Incorrect: Two decades ago, I live in Beijing.
Correct: Two decades ago, I lived in Beijing.
4 Incorrect: The stu1 is shining we are 9o to the beach.
Correct: The suN is shining we are going to me beach.
5 Incorrect: Because my favourite team is play this weekend, I want a ticket for thegame.
Correct: Because my favowite team is playing this weekend, I want a ticket forthe game.
6 Incorrect: Both boys has their own merits.
Correct: Both boys have their own merits.
7 Incorrect : A few sludcnts is really lazy,
Correct A nw students are really lazy.
8Incorrect: The girls was standing on the comer.
Correct: The girls were standing on the comer.
9 Incorrect: Much effort are wasted.
Correct: Much effort is wasted.
10 Incorrect: Every girl come on time.
Correct: Every girl comes on time.
11 Incorrect: If someone giving you more than one reason why he wants the job, do
not hire him.
correct: Ifsomeone gives you more than one realon-why he wants the · job, do not
hire him.
12 Incorrect: The watchman reported find the door open.
Correct: The watchman reported finding the door open.
13 Incorrect: Swimming make you fit.
Correct: Swimming makes you fit.
14 Incorrect: The doctor started remove the bandages carefully.
Correct: The doctor started to remove the bandages carefully.
15 Incorrect: Over the past twenty years, Internet have made a successful achievement.
Correct: Over the past twenty years, Internet has made a successful achievement.
1 Incorrect: The doctor sent me a bill for the services they provided.
Correct: The doctor sent me a bill for the services she provided.
2 Incorrect: The campers lost they way in the wood.
Correct: The campers lost their way in the wood.
3 Incorrect: The boys decided their punishment them.
Correct: The boys decided their punishment themselves.
4 Incorrect: I met Julian yesterday. I like she, don't you?
Correct: I met Julian yesterday. I like her, don't you?
5 Incorrect: paul Allen plans to set up a rock music museum. Him was a founder ofMicrosoft.
correct: paul Allen plans to set up a rock music museum. He was a founder ofMicrosoft.
1.Incorrect : The dog fiefcely bafked,
correct: The dog barked fiefcely.
2 Incorrect: The mailman was a*aid feally,
correct: The mailman was feally afraid.
3 Incorrect: He well did on the test.
Correct: He did well on the test.
4 Incorrect: It is a sefiousness issue.
Correct: It is a sefious issue.
5 Incorrect: Jean was prettier than Mary, and Wanda was pretty ofall.
correct: Jean was prettier than Mary, and Wanda was the prettiest ofall.
Incorrect: I am very auspicious.
Correct: I am very delighffhl.
2 Incorrect: Many people like watching action movies, notwithstanding I prefercomedies.
Correct: Many people like watching action movies, but I prefer comedies.
3 Incorrect: As far as I am concerned, in my opinion, an unprecedented change hastaken place in China.
Correct: In my opinion, an unprecedented change has taken place in China.
4 Incbiiect: Mary is the woman which I interviewed for the assignment.
Correct :Mary is the woman who / whom I interviewed for the assignment.
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