首先,从话题类型来看,本题属于。抽象类。话题。其次,本题的提问方式为箔双边讨论。,是在考试中非常常见的提问方式之一。也正因如此,本题在论述阶段不仅要顾及题干中的两方观点,而且应该清晰地突出笔者自身的立场。再次,本题题干中的"best。一词也是审题的重点之一,不容忽视。最后,题目中存在两个明显的例子an unsatisfactor job和sho饩awf田on y,在论述过程中应尽可能地将其用在文章里,但不做强制要求。
Almost everyone wants to pursue a life path strewn with roses, whereas the truth is that the real life isalways full of twists and turns. This, accordingly, provokes the endless debate on how to face difficulties ofour lives.
Some shiftless people choose to adapt themselves to the tough situations of their lives rather than struggle,naivety believing that misfortunes might somehow disappear or they are able to successfully adjust themselvesto difficulties that others are trying their best to go tluough. Once they get ajob without any satisfaction, forexample, they do have the illusion that one day they can suddenly become extremely passionateabout thejob and all the dissatisfaction they used to have will be totally gone. Obviously, they ought to walk out of thefairy tale world they mistakenly believe they are living in but actually dos not exist at all.
On the other hand, people with a positive outlook on life are more likely to actively forge ahead with thehardship they are facing. In most cases, they make every eflort to overcome the baiTier between real life andthe life they dream of. In a financial predicament, for instance, they unquestionably exert themselves to the
utmost to boy°w money from their Eiends, apply for loan Eom banks, or work unbelievably hard to makeenough money. Beyond all doubt, they will remove their obstacles step by step. On top of this, what they canlearn and accumulate *om this process can be definitely seen as the priceless life experiences.
In conclusion, we should certainly be the masters of our own destiny but not give up ourselves or be defeatedby any difficulty of life.
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