广州雅思班老师要给大家分享:剑13 Task2题目与参考例文4
Test 4
In spite of the advances made in agriculture,many people around the world still go hungry.
Why is this the case?What can be done about this problem?
Even though the innovations in food growing technologies un the past decades have significantly raised the food productivity, there is a sizable percentage of people still starving in many parts of the world, By analyzing the causes of this
situation, this article is going to find some solutions for it.
As far as I am concerned, this problem might be attributed to the following two
reasons, To begin with, the rise of food demands might outpace that of food
productivity, By that I mean that the growing birfh rate and the extended life
expctancy in many parts of the world have been raising the number of mouths to
feed at a higher rate than the amount of food produced, making it increasingly hard
or even impossible for many people to find enough to eat, Furthermore, the findings of
the new uses of grains are making the matters even worse. For example, it is possible
to manufacture biodiesels out of corns and this is indeed a lucrative business amid
the soaring oil price. consequently, it might be the tanks of lorries instead of manypeople's empty stomachs that devours the increased food output,
My suggestion to address this problem is as follows, Above all, it is imporfant to
supposed to set aside a Part of the Public fund to finance the necessary
authorities must set up laws to retain enough proportions of arable lands for the
In sun
In s ummary, the food shortage amid the agricultural innovations is the result of the rising consumption and the increasing industrial uses of grains.The solution of this problem lies in further increasing food product and giving priority to food production in land use