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剑13 Task2题目与参考例文1

2019-07-12 | 编辑:y | 分享到
摘要:剑13 Task2题目与参考例文1

广州雅思班老师要给大家分享:剑13 Task2题目与参考例文


Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause

serious social problems, as well as practical problems,
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
totally agree that the life in a country where people have to use a languageother than their mother tongue would cause problems both h practical life andsocial relations.
First of all, this may cause difficulties in people's daily life, To be specific, thesepeople may find it hard or even impossible for them to get the simplest thingdone when they use a second language. The examples include shopping,taking the public transport, getting medical care, and many more. Even worse,this would cause some tragic consequences. For instance, there are reportsabout a Chinese speaker got shot dead in the United States when he tried toapproach and explain a misunderstanding to a police officer  who was yelling 'freeze' at him,
In the second place, the life in a second-language-speaking country wouldbring pressure in social life, By that I mean that these people's use of the locallanguage are usually not proficient, thus making it difficult for them tocommunicate with the local residents, so these people often find themselvesisolated and lonely, Even an expert user of the local language would still sufferfrom this problem. That is because the person is raised in a different culturemaking his or her friendly gestures be thought as something offensive by the
locals or it might be the other way around.
In conclusion, I totally agree that the life in a second-language-speaking
country would be diff icult in practical life and social circle. In practical aspect,
It would be difficult for them to meet their basic needs and it could bring some
fatal results. In social life, these people may find them isolated regardless
whether they are good at the local language or not.



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授课风格:亲切有耐心,化繁为简,因材施教。善于发现学生的优点和倾听学生... [详情]