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2018-06-19 | 编辑:广州环球教育 | 分享到


逻辑连贯性这一项是中国考生得分普遍较低的一项,通常较难拿到6分以上。同学们大多知道需要使用一些逻辑连词,比如表示时间先后顺序的,first, then,finally等,表示对比的however等,但有些同学发现自己作文用了这些词,可怎么”CC“ 这一项分数还是不高呢?那么除了使用这些逻辑连词,还有什么方式能体现段落之间的逻辑连贯呢?本文探讨的是如何利用论据和论证过程来提高”CC“这一项的得分。


Some people think most crimes are the result of circumstances e.g. poverty and other social problems. Others believe that most crimes are caused by people who are bad by nature. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

这是一道双边讨论题,需要论证犯罪是因为客观因素还是人的本性。在一篇范文中的主体段一中,作者讨论犯罪由客观因素导致时用了这样一个论据” Crimes

indeed can be caused by external circumstances, such as poverty and social problems. A good case is when a man’s child is in serious illness and

the family cannot afford to pay for the high bills charged by the hospital, it is very likely for the man to steal or rob money when nobody gives him

a helping hand” 以此说明客观因素如何导致犯罪。 然后紧接着在下面的主体段二中,讨论犯罪是人的本性时,作者对上面这个论据做了另一面的诠释“those

people who commit crimes in the excuse of hard life or the unfairness of the society are cannot justify their behavior, because the majority of

people tend to choose a more reasonable solution even if they are in a more difficult dilemma. It is wrong to hurt innocent people or damage the

common interest of the public, just because they cannot bear the suffering of life or are angry with the society ” 当面对困境有的人选择犯罪,但大多


从这里我们可以看到,作者这两段的逻辑连贯性是很强的,围绕着 ”人在遇到困境时的不同选择”, 既说明了客观因素可能导致犯罪,但人的本性还是起了更决定性的影响。也就是说作者利用同一个论据实现了双边讨论,很好的满足了“CC “这一项评分标准中所要求的” logically organises information and ideas; there is clear progression throughout“。

总结来说,当我们写主体段运用论据时,有时用一两个论据,但能够把它充分的展开说全面,要比堆砌多个论据但相互之间都没很大的联系更有可能拿到较高分数。不少同学在写作文时急于把自己能想到的与题目相关的ideas都罗列出来,而忽视了如何组织这些ideas之间的逻辑关系,因而在”CC“ 这一项得分较低。




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授课风格:亲切有耐心,化繁为简,因材施教。善于发现学生的优点和倾听学生... [详情]