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2018-01-02 | 编辑: | 分享到



Some people think language should be taught in a small class, but others believe that the number of students does not matter. Discuss both and present your opinion


In which way should we teach language - in a small class which restricts the number of students or a large class where the number does not matter? Personally, it should be content-based, all about making the contents into priority.

When it comes to classroom teaching, classroom management has always been brought up. Then in a small class, it will be more flexible and feasible for teachers to observe eachstudent’s performance and give personal feedback. For instance, the teacher will be able to have interactions with students, be it in grammar teaching or clarifying pronunciation, which helps identify problems of each one and make re-demonstrations. Then, the teacher can personalize the solutions.

Quite apart from this, many others would argue that the number actually does not affect the learning process. Further, they stress that language, more than knowledge, is preciously the ability, with which one is able to integrate into the target community. Then, it is always about how to use in a real life situation where the number of people can

be barely calculated. Besides, language expressions are diverse and the meaning is directly related to the speaker. Therefore, language learning should not be confined to a smallscale.

In conclusion, from my own knowledge, language with its own linguistic properties is rather a complicated system, with syntax, phonetics, semantics and pragmatics, and covers fourlanguage skills - reading, listening, speaking and writing. Therefore, I believe it is the goal of teaching and contents that actually determine the numbers of students.



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授课风格:亲切有耐心,化繁为简,因材施教。善于发现学生的优点和倾听学生... [详情]