●对于数据描述性的题,需要在内容中体现的有: 最大值,最小值,相同值,相异值,增加值,减少值,和两个图标的相互关系
●对于趋势描述性的题,需要在写作中体现的有: 上升,下降,波动,稳定,峰值,谷值,交点,倍数,和两个曲线的相互关系
例如一个图表,是关于不同年度房子价钱的不同,你到底应该按照价钱为叙事主线叙述,还是年度为叙 事主线?选好主线小作文成功了一半。 我刚开始小作文有的写的不错,有的感觉很冗长,为什么?就是因 为写作线索没选好,这里告诉大家:选择写作线索,应应该以数据少的东西作为写作线索。
例如,一个柱状图,两个年份2000 2006年,每个年份三个房价,分别是公寓、别墅、茅草屋的价 钱。这时候就应该以年份为写作线索。先写,2000年3个房价分别多少,然后再写2006年3个房价多少。
再举例,如果是三个年份2000 2002 2006,两个房价分别是别墅价钱,公寓价钱,那么应该以房屋价 钱为线索,先写别墅多少,3年趋势怎样,再写公寓价钱多少,三年趋势怎样。 明白了不?
In terms of… 就……方面来说
Think of it in terms of an investment.
Next come …, 下一个说说……
Next come Guangzhou, it’s a smaller city than Beijing
stay constantly at … 保持稳定在……
The correlation between A and B A和B的相互联系
According to the survey in 2004, the tendency of… can be observed from the graph above
remain beneath … 保持在……以下
climbing up to… 攀升到……
during this stage/period 在此期间
As for…, 对于……来说,说到……
As for Japan, the situation may be more serious
bar chart 柱状图 = histogram n.直方图 pie chart 饼状图 flow chart n.流程图
diagram 图示、图解、图片 illustration n.图示 图解 示意图 curve 曲线图 = graph n.图表,曲线图
proportion n.比例,百分比 = share n.份额 比例 分享 股份 top, Peak n. 顶点 bottom, hemline n.底点,最小值 maximum n.最大值 minimum n.最小值
trend n.趋势 = tendency n.趋势
inclination n.趋向,趋势
He has an inclination to be fat discrepancy n.差异,不一致 =difference
breakdown= statistical analysis n统计分析,详细分析
the table gives a breakdown of amount of expenditures
counterpart n.对应的另一方,比较的另一方
this product is better than its counterparts.
diminish v. 使减少
His strength has diminished over the years.
decline v. 减少,下降,衰退 n.衰落 降低
a declining birth-rate
reduce v. 减少,下降n.减少
increase profits by reducing costs
reduction n. 减少
decrease v. 变小或变少; 减少n.减少
Student numbers have decreased by 500.
downward adj. adv. 下降,减少,恶化
a downward trend in prices
curtailment n. 缩短; 减少; 削减
curtail v.减少 削减(开支、花费)缩短(时间、假期)等
We must try to curtail our spending
fluctuate v. 涨落、波动
The price fluctuates between 5 and 6.
fluctuation n. 波动、变化
wide fluctuations of temperature
shack n. 震荡、波动
stationary adj. 静止的,不动的
a stationary phase of this curve
dwindle v. 逐渐变少或变小; 减少; 缩小
dwindling hopes, popularity, profits
mount v. (数量、密度)上升、增加
The death toll mounted to 100.
multiply v. 增多, 增加
Our problems have multiplied since last year.
ascend v. 上升; 升高
Ascending trend上升趋势
upward adj., adv 上升,升高
the upward trend in prices
increase v.增加, 增大(数目数量)n.增长
The rate of inflation has increased by 2%.
steadily adv.稳定,保持不变
remain steadily at 1000 for 2 years
triple v.变成三倍
The figure has tripled.
double v.变成两倍
The price of houses has virtually doubled over the past few years. constantly adv.持续地
appreciably adv. 显著地,可观的 He’s looking appreciably thinner.
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