Students in university education should develop specialist in one subject area rather than develop wider range of different subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20170803
尽管难度有限,考生们在审题的时候也因该注意subject area一词的含义。此处指的是一个研究领域,一个主题范围,换言之就是一个专业。如果考生将其理解成为只学一个科目,那么这篇文章后面的论述就注定跑题。
In a job interview, is the fresh graduate who has finished far more subjects in various varieties of fields more competitive than other candidates who focus on only one subject area in their 4 years college study? The answer from interviewers might be negative, since for instance who they want is a software engineer and they do not care about whether the candidate can speak Spanish or he or she also has a degree in law or not.
Specializing in one major only, college students have to finish at least 40 or 50 courses, most of which are necessary and irreplaceable. Some of them provide students with basic knowledge as well as some theoretical knowledge and others may offer them opportunities for practical learning. Undoubtedly, participating in so many significant courses is an arduous task, which takes those students much time and energy. This is to say, developing students into specialists in many areas seems unfeasible in most cases. Taking a step back, a few students might be hardworking, claver and energetic enough to complete courses in 3 or 4 subject areas. What they gain from doing so to some extent might be less than what they lose. The reason is that on no account is university the place for learning knowledge only. Abundant extracurricular activities are also what students should pay attention to, by which some certain abilities of them can be developed as social skills. For their future life, those abilities are definitely as considerable as professional knowledge they learn.
Nevertheless, advocates for specializing in as many subject areas as they can argue that students can be equipped with more employability with majoring in many fields. In fact, learning and researching in one field constantly and industriously can make students specialists in a certain field, and obviously those students will be who job interviewers are looking for in job market, other than job seekers who have majored in many areas but as to all areas what they know is extremely limited.
In a nutshell, according to what has been analyzed above, as to students who are not genius, focusing on one major in university is rational and viable.
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