【议论文题目】Task 2
A great deal of advertising is aimed at children, some people say it has negative effects, so it should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
There is a general concern of the public that too much advertising may have intended influence on children.
Body 1:小孩子自控能力不高,广告带来娱乐使小孩无心学习(如电视游戏广告带来的影响)
Children lack self-control ability while advertising brings them entertainment which may have negative effect on their study.
Body 2:由于小孩子的辨别能力不高,很容易相信广告内容,从而上当受骗 (如商业广告)
Children can be exploited more easily if they do not understand the differences between common advertising and commercials and if they do not know the selling intent of commercials.
Body3: 广告虽然提供很多有用的信息,但小孩应该在家长的指引下有效运用这些信息。
Although advertising provide children with much useful information, children should use the information under the guidance of their parents effectively.
Conclusion:重申自己观点, 给予建议
From what has been discussed above, we may draw the conclusion that the government should impose restrictions on advertising.
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