Space research is a waste of money. The government should spend money on improving conditions of people living on Earth.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that the government should stop supporting arts financially because arts do not directly improve people’s lives.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment. Only governments and large companies can make a difference.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Some people think that we should keep all the money we earn and not pay tax to the state.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
原因有三。首先,政府应该优先投资公共服务(public services),比如基础教育(basic education)和医疗(medical care),因为纳税人的钱(money paid by citizens)是政府财政收入(tax revenue)的主要来源,作为纳税人(taxpayers)我们理应收到政府的“回馈”(reward)。其次,在一些发展中国家(developing countries),很多人仍旧生活在贫困之中(live in poverty),缺乏食物和住所(lack food and shelter),政府有责任帮助他们摆脱贫困(get rid of poverty),否则,他们容易成为社会动荡的因素(cause social unrest)。最后,社会公共设施和服务水平是一个国家发展的基本条件(fundamental and essential to the development of a country),没有完善的公共设施和服务,公民则会感到自身的基本权益无法得到保障,也就不会为国家效力。
1. 有钱。题目:个人和政府,谁来解决环境问题?应当承认,有一些环境问题是个人难以解决的,比如能源短缺和气候变化。政府最大的优势是可以高效分配公共资金(efficiently allocate public funds)来应对这些问题。
2. 有权。政府有权的体现是征税和制定法律。通过征税,政府可以防止贫富差距扩大(control the gap between the rich and poor);针对环境问题,向一些一次性产品(disposable products)征收更多消费税(impose more consumption taxes)能抑制人们的消费;制定法律(introduce environment laws)则可以惩罚破坏环境的个人。
3. 有号召力。有号召力意味着政府要加强儿童对环境问题的教育(education children environmental issues),培养儿童崇尚绿色生活的态度(develop a positive attitude towards leading green life)。
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