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雅思口语话题分析:a time when lots of people were smiling

2019-10-15 | 编辑:y | 分享到
摘要:雅思口语话题分析:a time when lots of people were smiling

小编要分享的是:雅思口语话题分析:a time when lots of people were smiling

乍一看,貌似话题很奇葩,但是静下心来,仔细一想,其实这个smile不就是polite, friendly的同义替换吗?于是乎,这个题不就是旧题:polite person, good service的变身吗?相信大家去坐飞机,或者去五星级酒店,都能看到面带职业微笑的attendants吧!

一个好的Story 就一定有ups and downs.所以我got air sick due to the fluctuation. The courteous and considerate stewardess 空姐或者steward空哥brought me hot water,hot towel and extra blanket. More surprisingly, she tried to console me by telling me some jokes. No matter how demanding i was, she was more than happy to do me a favor, helping me get through the rough time on board. Thanks to her impeccable service and patience, i was cheered up eventually.

最后,不要忘记讨巧地点题,Throughout the journey by air, i found out whenever the flight attendants showed up, they always wore a big smile and spoke in a low and gentle voice. As long as i saw them smiling, i seemed to leave behind all the shadows. In a nutshell, their sense of courtesy and professionalism has left me lasting impression.

By the way, 这个新题还可以和另一个新题an enjoyable experience in childhood 串联起来呦。大家在着手准备新题素材之前,要统筹大局地思考所有的话题,合并同类项。Make the most out of what you have at hand!



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