1、Not answering the question, here’s an example – in an English literature question in which you are asked to comment on Shakespeare’s use of classical mythology in his plays and sonnets, you will not have answered the question if you write about Shakespeare’s debt to Ovid as demonstrated in his plays and sonnets.
2、Not recognizing the meaning of specialist or technical terms central to the subject, or not demonstrating an understanding of them by defining them, here’s an example – in a biology exam, you need to state that photosynthesis is the process by which plants and some bacteria use the energy from sunlight to produce glucose from carbon dioxide and water.
3、Not writing answers in the form specified in the question, here’s an example – in a history exam, if you are asked to make a case for or against Elizabeth I establishing England as a European power, you will gain fewer marks if you put down what you know about the monarch’s foreign policy but do not say what your position is on England’s role in Europe at the end of Elizabeth’s reign.
1、read through the exam paper from beginning to end.
像A-Level S2试卷24页,物理U2试卷28页,又是formula book,又是公式表,经常有小盆友到下考场和小伙伴交流才发现漏做题了。
2、make notes on the instructions. How many questions do you have to answer? Which of them (if any) are compulsory?
3、make a list of the questions you plan to answer – those that are compulsory (if any) and the ones you have opted for where there is a choice.
4、when you make your final choice about which questions to answer, make sure you understand exactly what is being asked of your for each question – see Analysing exam questions – verbs and concepts later in this study guide.
5、draw up a timetable to show how long you should spend on each of the questions, including time at the end of the exam to read through all your answers.
大致规划考试时间,在规定时间内完成所有问题,并预留出5-10分钟可以做交卷前的最后检查。比如检查significant figures,units等等。