CAIE Alevel 商务 Data Response真题精讲+答题技巧,CAIE剑桥考试局商务9609
2016年6月 试卷 Paper21 (AS)
Data Response:
Peterson Manufacturing (PM)
读完题,我们发现,该题目包括以下Business 知识点:
¨ Public limited company
¨ Secondary sector
¨ Revenue
¨ Product (4P)
¨ Performance-related pay scheme
¨ Profit-sharing scheme
¨ Worker representatives
¨ Product development
Q1: Define the term ‘public limited company’ (line 1). [2]
题目分析:Define代表是概念题,分值只有2分,意味着我们只需要把public limited company上市公司的定义写下来即可。
This is a business owned by shareholders. Shares can be openly bought and sold on the stock exchange. Shareholders have limited liability.
Q2:Briefly explain the term ‘worker representatives’ (line 32). [3]
题目分析:Explain开头说明是 定义+解释 题型
These are workers who represent the views of employees in feeding back and negotiating with employers. They encourages two-way communication and can help improve motivation/morale of employees. They can also help develops leadership skills in employees.
Q3: Refer to Table 1. Calculate the percentage decrease in total revenue between 2013 and 2015. [3]
Q4: Briefly explain one likely effect on PM of this decrease in total revenue. [3]
source of finance
profit-sharing scheme
Affordability of market research/attendance at trade fairs, etc.
Development of new products
With decreased revenue, PM may not be able to afford to develop a new oven, so it will not be able to compete against advanced products of its competitors. Consequently, its revenue may decrease further.
Q5: Analyse how PM could use the 4Cs to improve its customer relationships. [8]
1. Cost to customer – salesteam has reported that customers are more demanding when negotiating prices. PM may try to reduce the total cost by finding cheaper suppliers or relocating to cheaper premise, so they can cut prices to satisfy some customers who are sensetive to prices.
2. Convenience to the customer –
this is business to business, so it must be convenient to this market/bakeries. PM can consider improving its delivery and after-sale services. Deliver ovens to its customers better and offer some extra services such as free installation and instructions on how to use these ovens. Besides, provide better matainance than competitors.
3. Communication with the customer –
use of trade fairs, other appropriate business to business communication methods, such as specialist magazines or social medias.
4. Customer solution –
advanced products needed. Lack of product development is a major problem for PM in such a competitive market. Try to invest more in product development and research.
Q6: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages to PM’s employees of the change from performance related pay to a profit sharing scheme. [11]
题目分析:题目要考生讨论工资体系转变的利弊,即Profit sharing的利弊。
Answer may cover the following points: 1. Profit sharing could motivate or demotivate marketing and sales teams if this is the core problem of decliningsales (e.g. it could motivate these teams and push them forward or it couldencourage some to leave if they feel blamed)
(Advantages and disadvantages) 2. This motivation of sales teams and marketing could reverse the trend in declining sales. When they know their pay level is closely related the profit of the business ,they may worker harder, provide better customer services and be careful with expenses.
(Advantages) 3. Upsetting for employees who may be working hard but will financially suffer, for what they say is a marketing problem. Could lead to union activity, disruption toproduction. Impact on employee’s standard of living.
Evaluation – stucents' own anser (judgement and justification are essential in this part)
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