加拿大安省教育厅官员Paul Tufts
前加拿大安大略省TVDSB 教育局局长
Mr Li: In 2018, Global Education (GEDU) launched the Ontario Secondary School Diploma Program in 2 cities in China and soon expanded to 4 in the next year. So far there have been hundreds of students studying in GEDU. As this program is getting increasingly popular in China due to GEDU’s promotion, it is necessary for us to present Chinese parents and students a thorough review of this program. Therefore, I invited Mr. Paul Tufts to share his knowledge of OSSD and his perspective on this program as an experience education administrator.
李虹桥老师: 在2018年,环球教育在国内两个城市开设了OSSD项目并且很快在19年拓展到四个城市。截至目前,已经有上百位同学在环球教育学习OSSD。得益于环球教育的大力推介,OSSD目前在中国备受欢迎。面对目前火热的市场需求,我们认为很有必要向中国的父母和孩子系统的介绍一下OSSD这个项目。因此,我很有幸邀请到了Mr.Paul Tufts。 作为一名资深的教学负责人,今天Mr.Paul Tufts将会和我们分享很多关于OSSD的重要信息,以及他对于这个项目的独到观点。
Q1. Can you give an overview of the Canadian high school curriculum?
The Canadian constitution grants control over education to the provinces. As a result, each province and territory in Canada has a slightly different education system. There is no central body for education in the country and each province sets their own curriculum guidelines and structure for elementary, secondary and post-secondary education.
On international education tests such as the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) taken by Grade 10 students in 79 countries around the globe, the overall score for Canadian students (the average from all provinces) is one of the highest in the world.
Source From CMEC:(来源于CEMC)
Compared to Canada, among the 79 countries and economies that participated in PISA 2018
Q2 What is OSSD? What is the role OSSD plays in the Canadian high school system?
The OSSD is the diploma granted in the province of Ontario to high school students who have completed the four year (grades 9-12) secondary school program. Students who study in the OSSD program perform very well on international assessments. Ontario students’ results are consistently among the highest in Canada on the PISA tests. On the recent 2018 PISA test Ontario students outperformed the Canadian average on all elements of the test.
Q3. In which countries do universities accept OSSD? What makes this curriculum creditable?
The OSSD diploma is accepted by universities around the world. Canada’s reputation as having one of the best educated populations globally is renowned. Ontario students’ performance on international tests such as PISA and their performance in global universities has created an excellent reputation for the program and universities are more than happy to accept OSSD students.
加拿大是全球受教育程度最高的国家之一, OSSD作为加拿大安省的高中文凭因此享有盛誉。 同时,安大略省学生在PISA等国际考试中的表现以及他们在全球大学中的出色表现也为OSSD赢得了极好的声誉,大学非常乐意接受OSSD学生。
Q4 What are the similarities and differences between OSSD and other curriculums, such as A-level and IBDP? What advantages does OSSD have over the others?
The OSSD curriculum meets and, in many instances, exceeds the standards established in A level and IB programs. All three programs require students to focus on skills beyond knowledge and understanding. Students learn to think critically, use inquiry methods to problem solve, apply their knowledge and collaborate with others. In this computer age, the days of needing to memorize a lot of information are gone. Students can easily access information on their phones, but they now need the skills to use and interpret this information.
The OSSD program has some advantages over the A Level and IB programs.
与A Level课程和IB课程相比,OSSD课程具有如下优势。
Firstly, students’ grades are not based on standardized tests. In the OSSD program, students earn a grade through their performance throughout the course with 70% of their grade from the course tests, assignments, projects and other activities. The final 30% of the grade comes from a final exam and/or project in each course. Students who suffer from test anxiety are disadvantaged in the A level and IB programs but can demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways in the OSSD program. In addition, students with an OSSD diploma apply to Universities around the world with the grades from their final 6 Grade 12 courses without having to complete a round of standardized tests.
Secondly, because the OSSD program is credit based, it can be differentiated to meet the needs of individual students. Students can choose from a wide variety of courses that meet their interests and strengths. As a result, they can choose courses that they enjoy and excel at.
Finally, the OSSD curriculum has a strong focus on building students’ collaboration and leadership skills. Throughout their studies in every course, students practice these skills, learning how to work well in a team, with diverse people who have very viewpoints. In the future global economy this will be one of the most important skills an employee will need.
Q5 What is the requirement of the course study for students?
In order to earn an OSSD, students who start high school in Grade 9 in the Ontario program must earn 30 credits (one for each course) over 4 years. 12 of these credit courses are compulsory or mandatory courses and the remaining 18 are optional credits that students can choose from in order to meet their interest and ability needs. In addition to the 30 credits students must also complete 40 hours of community service and pass the literacy diploma requirement.
升入9年级安大略省课程高中的学生必须在4年内获得30个学分(每门课程一个学分)。 这些学分中有12分是来自必修课程,18分来自选修课程。 除此之外,学生还必须完成40个小时的社区服务并通过安省读写水平测试。
Q6 What is the minimal requirement of the one-year course study in China, like GEDU’s program? How does this program suit Chinese students?
Q6:在中国学习一年制课程,如环球教育的OSSD项目的最低要求是什么? 这个项目适合什么样的中国学生?
In the one-year University Pathway program offered in China, students are given credit for their prior learning in the Chinese diploma system through a process called Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR). If students have completed Grade 11 in China, their transcripts are reviewed and they are usually granted approximately 23 credits towards the OSSD. Once they are in the OSSD program students’ must meet the English language proficiency requirements by taking ESL and English courses. In addition, they study 6 Grade 12 University level courses, complete their community service hours and write the Ontario Literacy test. Students will then apply to universities with the grades from their 6 Grade 12 courses.
学生在中国一年的大学衔接课程学习期间,在通过学习评估和认可系统(PLAR)的认证后,可获得一部分学分。 具体来说,如果学生在中国教育体系中完成了11年级的学业,并且在他们的成绩单通过审核后,通常会获得约23个OSSD学分。 一旦开始OSSD课程,学生必须通过参加ESL和英语课程来达到英语水平要求。 此外,在他们学习了6门12年级课程,完成了社区服务时间,以及通过安省读写水平测试后,学生就可以用6门12年级的成绩申请大学。
This program suits Chinese students who do not want to write the GaoKao and who plan to study in a post-secondary program abroad.
Q7 How do Canadian universities treat Chinese students who study OSSD equally to domestic Canadian students?
Chinese students who earn an OSSD are considered for admission to Canadian universities in the same pool as all other students who have earned an OSSD. They are not considered an International applicant for admission purposes.
However, because they are not Canadian citizens, Chinese students will still have to apply for a student visa and pay international student fees.
Q8 What is the probability of top Canadian Universities that admit Chinese students who used to study national curriculum but turn to OSSD?
Q8: 对于那些先前在中国读高中但之后转向去学OSSD的同学来说,加拿大顶尖大学录取他们的概率是多少?
Students who meet or exceed the admission requirements for top Canadian university programs and present an OSSD diploma have excellent admission prospects. (For instance, 96% International students from Rosedale Academy have been admitted to top-ranking universities around the global and each student received an average of 4.7 university admission offers.)
如果学生达到或超过加拿大顶尖大学课程的入学要求并获得OSSD文凭,那么他们就很有希望被这些顶尖大学录取。 (例如,96%来自罗斯德公学的国际学生已被全球顶尖大学录取,每位学生平均获得4.7份大学录取通知书。)
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