TPO19 Task3
Man: Did you see this announcement in the newspaper? It sounds like a great idea.
Woman: You really think so? Not many people even use the place. Man: I know, that’s the point, people don’t go there because the facilities are old and the exercise equipment breaks down. I think the director is right that they get more use out of it this way. Right now, the place is usually empty and that’s too bad. Students can get pretty stressed out if they don’t get some exercise.
Woman: That’s a good point. But doesn’t it seem like a lot of money?
Man: It’s really not all that much, if you figured a lot of people spend that kind of money on a CD or when they go out to the movies, this is just one charge for the whole year.
Woman: That’s true, and instead of some little thing we get a recreation center people might actually use.
Man: Right, so considering the benefits, it’s really not that much to pay.
Woman: Yeah, I guess you’re right.
announcement 通告;宣布;声明
project 项目
isolation 隔离
overcrowding 拥挤
recreation 休息;休养;放松;娱乐,更多详情咨询老师即可~