TPO15 Task3
Woman: Hey, Ted, you’re a runner. Did you see this letter in the paper
Man: Yeah, I did, and I use those.
Woman: And
Man: I think it’s a terrible idea.
Woman: How come
Man: Well, she really hasn’t thought it through. Like, the thing about making them safer, what’s she’s not thinking about is the long-term consequence of running on a hard surface.
Woman: What do you mean
Man: I mean, it’s not good for you. It’s too hard on your bones and joints. If you run repeatedly on hard surface, it can lead to injuries or, that’s what I’ve been taught anyway, it’s better to run on a soft surface. It does less damage to your body.
Woman: Oh, I wasn’t aware of that.
Man: Yeah, so actually it wouldn’t be safer. And her second point…
Woman: About changing the way they look
Man: Yeah, I don’t think people will like it.
Woman: So they’d use them less Man: Yeah, I mean, one of the main reasons people enjoy them now was it’s a way of taking a break from the rest of the campus, from buildings and streets and stuff. It’s, you know, a chance that feels like you’re out in the nature.
Woman: Oh, so you wouldn’t bet that effect anymore.
Man: Right! It’d be just like you’re on a regular street or sidewalk. It wouldn’t be as relaxing.
hard 坚硬的
surface 表面
repeatedly 反复地
joints 关节
sidewalk 人行道,更多详情咨询老师即可~