TPO8 Task3
Man: Have you read this article? Are they serious?
Woman: Yeah, I think so. Why?
Man: Well, first of all, a lot of kids aren’t looking for relaxing breaks at lunch time. They like to study while they, especially while they have exams coming up or some assignments they have to get done.
Woman: Yeah, that’s true.
Man: And now they won’t be able to concentrate. This is gonna be very distracting.
Woman: Hmmm. Ok, yeah, I see your point.
Man: And second, most students don’t like classical music.
Woman: It’s certainly not what I listen to.
Man: So, are people going to stop listening to their own music?
Woman: No!
Man: I think people are going to be even more likely to bring their mp3 player, you know, to play their own music and block out the classical stuff.
article: /?ɑ?rt?kl/ 文章
serious: /?s?ri?s/ 认真的
kids: /k?dz/ 孩子们
relaxing: /r??l?ks??/ 放松的
breaks: /bre?ks/ 休息时间
lunch time: /l?nt? ta?m/ 午餐时间
assignments: /??sa?nm?nts/ 任务
concentrate: /?k?ns?ntre?t/ 集中注意力
distracting: /d??str?kt??/ 分散注意力的
classical music: /?kl?s?kl ?mju?z?k/ 古典音乐
mp3 player: /?m pi? θri? ple??r/ MP3 播放器
block out: /bl?k a?t/ 屏蔽
每日搭配一篇托福晨读文章,帮助深度全面吸收??(点击标题查看)Music Coming to Cafeterias-音乐走进自助餐厅
精听21天计划 Mary Dixon, Director of the Student Life Committee, announced yesterday that beginning next semester,university cafeterias will broadcast classical music during mealtimes. “Music will foster a more relaxed atmosphere,” said Dixon. “Students’ lives are hectic, and mealtimes provide important opportunities to take a break and catch up with friends before moving on to the next class or assignment.” Added Dixon, “We’re hoping that, if we provide the music, students will unplug their music devices – their walkmans and mp3 players or whatever – and will spend more time talking to each other. When students have their headphones on, they’re not connecting with each other.”
学生生活委员会主任Mary Dixon昨天宣布,从下学期开始,大学自助餐厅将在用餐时间播放古典音乐。音乐将营造一种更轻松的氛围,”Dixon说。“学生们的生活很忙碌,用餐时间为他们提供了重要的机会,让他们在进入下一节课或作业之前休息一下,与朋友们聊聊天。”Dixon补充道:“我们希望,如果我们提供音乐,学生们会拔掉他们的音乐设备——随身听和mp3播放器或其他什么——并花更多的时间相互交谈。当学生们戴上耳机时,他们就不会相互联系。”更多详情 咨询老师即可~