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2019-10-14 | 编辑:y | 分享到

小编要分享的是: 托福听力常见题型结合实例详细分析 ,直接上例子

1.L1 Q3 in the dolphin study, how did the researcher make the dolphin's task increasingly difficult?

A.by showing the dolphin two patterns that were similar in density

B.by playing two sounds that became progressively closer in pitch

C.by producing sounds that were just within the dolphins' range of hearing

D.by introducing a third paddle that ended on trial an began a new one


…The task varied in difficulty according to the pitch of the second tone. The closer it came in pitch to the first one, the harder it became for the dolphin to correctly identify it as low.…因此,这道题的答案是B。

2.For what activity does the student consider requesting funding?

A.designing a club web site

B.reserving audio-visual equipment

C.Sponsoring a guest speaker

D.setting up a campus e-mail account


Emplyee:And you could be eligible for funding for club event.

Students:Well, we are definitely interested in hiring a professional speaker at one of our campus events at some point in the semester. And speakers almost always charge a fee.因此这道题的答案是C。



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