记得拉到结尾哦,有福利吖 ღ( ´・ᴗ・` )
*黄色必考题 橙色高频题
Part 2 高频预测
Describe the time when you received your first cellphone
You should say:
When it was
Who gave you the cellphone
What it was like
How you felt about it
I received my first phone on my second year in senior high school. My parents bought a flip phone for me. It was a Philips’ red flip phone, and it was very nice. I likedit a lot.
I still remember I got the phone on a summer holiday. That day I got a fever and all I wanted to do was to go home and lie down. However, my father is the kind of person that he would never leave until he does what he wants. So on that day, he simply wanted to buy me a phone even though I was not in the mood at all. He dragged me from one shop to another asking me which one I wanted. After about half an hour, finally we made up our mind and bought this phone. At that time, flip phones were quite popular and there were no smart phones yet.
I basically used this phone to text and call and nothing else. I didn’t even play games like most of my friends did. The phone fell off from my bed millions of times but it never broke down. Very good quality I have to say.
Besides, I only charged it once a week which is so amazing because I charge my iPhone anytime anywhere now. I really liked that phone and I used it for four years. I wish phones were still like what they used to be: simple and small.
上一篇: 2018年8月2雅思写作预测
下一篇: 2018年7月21雅思口语预测