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2018-04-10 | 编辑:广州环球教育 | 分享到


Part 2 一级重点(必考)

1.A popular / famous person you admire 敬仰的名人

2.A subject you find interesting 有趣的科目

3.A piece of furniture 家具

4.A place to listen to music听音乐的地方

5.A leisure facility (a park or a cinema)you would like to have休闲设施

6.A school rule that you agree or disagree 同意或不同意的校规

7.A special/unusual meal you had 特别的一餐

8.An exciting book you have read  令人兴奋的书  

9.A traditional product in your country 传统产品

10.A piece of technology you like using (except computer) 技术

11.A person who often visits your home (a visitor of your home) 访客

12.A perfect holiday or vocation you had 完美假期

13.A occasion when you helped a person 帮助他人

14.A recent development in your city 城市最近的发展

15.An important river or lake in your country 河流或湖

16.A time when you saved money for something 攒钱

17.A car/boat journey 坐车/船旅行

18.A country or a city you want to work in or live in 想工作或居住之地

19.A toy you had in your childhood 童年玩具

20.A product you bought and felt happy 开心购物

21.An impressive story someone told you 故事

22.A photo you can remember clearly that someone took for you照片

23.The season you like most in a year 最爱的季节

24.An important event that you celebrated before 庆祝重要的事

25.A famous athlete you admire运动员

26.A historical period you are interested in of your country 历史时期

27. A time when you felt happy because of using your cellphone 使用手机的快乐经历

Part 2 二级重点(仍然在必考出题范围!!不容忽视!)

1.An important skill which cannot be learned at school 学校不教的技能

2.Something interesting that happened in your school 有趣之事

3.A business man you admire 敬仰的商人  

4.An exciting book you have read  令人兴奋的书

5.A time with old people 与老人的共同时光

6.A good parent you know 好父/母

7.An interesting foreigner you know 令人感兴趣的外国人

8.A place in your city that you like to visit with your friends or family与家人喜欢去的地方

9.A science subject (you are interested in) you learned in your high school 科学课

10.A special day out which did not cost too much 在外面花费不大的特别一天

11.A positive comment someone gave you 积极评论

12.An unforgettable meal 难忘之餐

13.A place where people listen to music听音乐之地

14.Something you bought according to an advertisement 因广告而买

15.An achievement that you are proud of 骄傲的成就

16.A good decision someone made 好决定

17.An ideal house or apartment you like to live in 理想的房子或公寓

18.An advertisement that you saw and made you buy something 广告

19.An experience that you taught someone (a friend or a relative) a skill 教别人技能

20.A skill that cannot learned at school 学校学不到的技能

21.An interesting place that only a few people know 一些人知道的有趣之地

22.A situation when you had to be polite 不得不礼貌的一次

23.A happy service you got recently 高兴的服务

24.A public place that needs to be improved 需改善之地

25.A way to stay healthy 健康之道

26.A letter you  received 收过的信

27.A time when you were late for something 迟到



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授课风格:亲切有耐心,化繁为简,因材施教。善于发现学生的优点和倾听学生... [详情]