1.Some people think most crimes are the result of circumstances like poverty and other social problems. Others believe that they are caused by people who are bad in nature. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
话题类型:犯罪 思路梗概:
犯罪起于后天环境: 1. 生活中的逆境会让人对社会产生不满(adversities bring about social discontent),甚至导致报复(revenge on)他人和社会的反社会人格(antisocial personality disorder)。2. 如果可以选择,人人都想呈现出美好的一面(present one’s bright side)。没有谁的梦想是做罪犯(criminal)。 3. 事实上,贫穷的地方往往犯罪率高(high crime rate),因贫困或生活压迫铤而走险(rush into crime under the burden of life)的例子也不胜枚举(too many to enumerate)。
犯罪源于人性之恶:1. 人性本恶的观点,即,人生而有原罪(human beings are born with original sin)。 2. 举例:官员贪污(officials take bribe),商人漏税(businessmen evade taxes );屡教不改的罪犯(incorrigible criminals;3. 青少年犯罪;犯罪低龄化(juvenile/underage/youth crime)
2.It is not necessary to travel to other places and learn about other culture and people for they can be learnt from books, films or the internet. Do you agree or disagree
话题类型:科技&文化 思路梗概:
1.间接经验有其局限性(limitations of indirect experiences),如他人的不实报道(false report)、描述等。如果想真正了解一个地方的风土人情(local culture and custom),只能通过实践(personal experience)。
2.只有亲身体验,才能切实感觉到不同文化间的冲击和碰撞(cultural impacts and clashes)。
3.人们之所以会对某种文化好奇(curiosity),是因为不同的文化会带来不同的享受(enjoyment)。亲临某种文化所带来的愉悦感是不能被阅读文章或者观看视频所取代的(Eg: The pleasure of being in a certain culture cannot be replaced by that of reading articles or watching videos)。
3.With the widespread use of Internet, people have more freedom to choose to work and study at home instead of travelling to work or college. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
话题类型:科技&生活 思路梗概:
1. 并不是所有人都能有效地进行自我管理(carry out self-management effectively)。互联网的诱惑太多,过多的自由会人不知所措(Eg: People with unlimited freedom tend to be at loss confronted with the overwhelming temptations of the Internet. )。
2.即使对自制力很强的人(the highly self-disciplined)也有负面影响。没有同事或者同学,缺少面对面的人际交流(face-to-face communication)很容易与世隔绝(be reduced to isolation)。
3.这种宅在家里的生活方式(indoor lifestyle)不利于身体健康。当代的年轻人多处于亚健康状态(sub-health),强制所有人每天去健身房锻炼不现实(impractical)。上下班的通勤(commuting)是许多都市白领唯一的运动,因此不可或缺(indispensable)。
4.Some people think it is not necessary for adults to receive education in class. Self-study is a good way for them to study more effectively. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
话题类型:教育 思路梗概:
1.成年人自学往往不是出于选择,而是迫于无奈(Eg: Adults study indenpently out of reality rather than personal choices)。相比于普通学生,成年人工作忙,琐事(trifle)更多,实际上,这种零碎的学习(fragmented study)效率并不高(low efficiency)。班级学习可以对成年人起到很好的督促(supervision)作用。
2.缺少老师的指引和与同学的交流(Without proper guidance from teachers and communication with peers, the ),学习很容易受个人认知的局限(be limited/restricted to)。而这种劣势(disadvantage)在刚接触某种学科的时候会体现地更为明显(evident)。
3.同时,班级的集体学习会给人一种紧张感(sense of urgency)和仪式感,从而促使(spur sb to do sth 激励、促使某人做某事)人们认真对待。综上,如果各方面条件允许(if conditions permit/ where possible),班级学习是更好的(preferable)选择。
5.Recent years, more and more people choose to live by themselves,why? Is it positive or negative for the development of the society?
话题类型:生活 思路梗概:
1.人们的自我意识比以往任何时候都强(stronger self-awareness than ever),更加重视私人空间(private space)。因此,在经济条件允许的情况下,人们更倾向于独居(be inclined to live alone)。
2.传统婚姻里女性处于弱势地位(disadvantageous/humble position),如今选择更多,因此越来越多的女性不愿意投入婚姻生活(marital life)。实际上,对每个人来说,做出妥协与别人同居(compromise to cohabit with others)是很艰难的。
1. 虽然人类的生存不以繁衍后代(reproduction)为目的,但是切实存在的老龄化现象让人担忧(the existing trend of aging population looms.)。长此以往,缺少劳动力,社会养老压力大(Eg: If things go on with a lack of labor, it will be demanding for the society to afford so many pensioners.)。
2. 人类是社会动物,长年累月的孤独会成为社会发展的不稳定因素。(Eg: Humans are social beings in need of communication. Long-term loneliness might develop into unstable factors of society)
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