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2017-09-08 | 编辑: | 分享到







最热门:Discuss both view and give your opinion

次热门:Do you agree or disagree

冷门:Advantages & Disadvantages/Positive & Negative


1. Some people think that the amount of noise that people make should be strictly controlled. Others, however, believe that people should be free to make as much noise as they wish. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


1. 在工作,学习环境中随意制造噪音会对他人造成影响,分神(distraction;interruption)

2. 在公众场合,会被认为扰乱治安,例如,广场舞大妈播音乐(overwhelming noise from mums of public square dancing),城市道路禁鸣喇叭(no honking in city roads);在小区,过多噪音会被邻居投诉(file a complaint);


1. 因为人们拥有言论自由(freedom of speech),噪音,某程度(to some extent)上也是言论的一种(a form of speech);

再者,更多的时候并非人们故意制造噪音(making noise unconsciously),而是他们自己没有意识到噪音对他们甚至对自己的影响( do not notice the potential harm that might do to others or even themselves);

最后,噪音无可能完全避免(could not be wiped out completely),但人们应该控制(gauge the output),做到不影响他们,不影响健康;

2. It is not necessary for people to travel to other places to learn about other cultures. They can learn as much about other cultures from books, films and the Internet as from travelling. Do you agree or disagree?

Partly agree.

Indeed, people can learn about other culture(文化) and civilization(文明)by second-hand resources, including books, films and the internet. For example…

However, people would still need to do some traveling. This is where first-hand experience(第一手资料) comes in handy. For example, many anthropologists(人类学家) will have to first look into a great amount of academic papers(学术论文),documentaries(学术论文) and the like(类似的东西) to set the foundation, after then, they will have to conduct(实施) field work(实地考察) to blend into(融入) the local culture and peoples(民族), and to gather information(收集信息). This shares the same mentality when people come to travel…

Therefore, I reckon that…

3. In some countries, online shopping is replacing shopping in stores. Is this a positive or negative development?

It is both a positive and negative development at the same time.

正面影响,网购可以1.对商家来说,加强了竞争的激烈程度(cutting-throat competition),迫使商家提供(provide)更优质服务(better service);2. 对于网购者这来说,提供了多种选择渠道(choose from multiple sources),降低了购买成本(lower the shopping cost; cost-effective),方便快捷(convenient; one click ayway );

负面影响:1. 网购对当地的商家造成了巨大(huge)的无法避免的(unavoidable)冲击(impact),例如,倒闭(close down),裁员(downsizing; unemployment),不景气( recession; depression);2. 网上购物货物质量(quality)难以保证(is not guaranteed),个人陷入假货次货威胁(threat),政府难以监管( find themselves shorthanded in monitoring);

4. Many museums and historic sites are mainly visited by tourists rather than by local residents. What are the causes of this? What can be done for museums and historic sites to attract more local visitors?


1. 一方面是博物馆及历史景点为了效益和影响本身过分强调对外宣传,在当地宣传中缺位(absence);

因为这种宣传上的缺位,久而久之令当地居民视而不见(turn a blind eye to),忽视(overlook),乃至淡漠(indifference)

2. 另一方面,现实生活中,在全球经济衰退(global recession)的大背景下(background),人们可能更多地关注经济(economic issue),收入(income)方面的问题,除了每年在很短的假日出游的时候快速的游览一遍所谓博物馆及历史景点,其余时候,大多疲于奔命,应付生活;这也解释了为什么往往是外乡人在游览当地的博物馆及历史古迹,所以,不奇怪的是,当我们有假期出游时,我们又摇身一遍,变成了外乡人,参观游览当地的景点;


1. 博物馆和历史景点应该加大宣传唤起(arouse)当地居民的共鸣(resonance),与他们更好地联结(bonding)

2. 适当的优惠措施(preferential/favorable/stimulus measures),例如折扣日(discount day),特别节日免门票(ticket/admission free special day)

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授课风格:亲切有耐心,化繁为简,因材施教。善于发现学生的优点和倾听学生... [详情]