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雅思口语Part2—改善公共设施 | 广州环球雅思口语原创解析独家大放送!

2024-03-04 | 编辑:y | 分享到
摘要:雅思口语Part2—改善公共设施 | 广州环球雅思口语原创解析独家大放送!

  Describe a public facility (e.g. a museum, a library) that has been renovated and improved

  You should say:

  What the facility is

  When it was renovated and improved

  What has been renovated and improved

  And explain how you feel about it




  public facilities 公共设施

  equipment 设备

  install 安装

  running tracks 跑道

  designated area 特定区域等。

雅思口语Part2—改善公共设施 | 广州环球雅思口语原创解析独家大放送!


  这道题的难点是处理题目的how you feel about it,从观点产生的角度来看,老师建议大家谈论其作用:

  enhance the sense of well-being/happiness 提高幸福感

  bring more convenience to the public 给大众带来更多的便利

  increased space 增加的面积

  extended area 扩大的区域

  the living standard 生活水准


  首先:简要概括公共设施的作用,引出what the facility is--Park.

Well, I suppose public facilities are designed for the purpose of enhancing the sense of well being for the public. Recently, there is a public facility that has undergone a huge transformation and renovation in my community. First of all, as for what the public facility is, it is actually a park in my neighborhood.

  Language Bits

  for the purpose of 为了......的目的

  enhance the sense of happiness/well being 提高幸福感

  undergo a massive/huge transformation 经历重大改变

  其次:展开描述park, 题目要求谈论其renovation,说明该设施已经有所变化,因此要用一般过去时和一般现在时,形成对比,进行谈论。


  There used to be 以前有...

  but now 但现在

  There was......  以前怎么怎么样

  Originally  之前......

  However  但是

  undergo a massive transformation 经历了巨大的改变 It is no exagge ration to say that it is only a stone’s throw away from where I live. It was built probably five or six years ago, if I’m not mistaken. However, it was neglected later as a public facility by the residents and thus failed to serve the purposes it was originally built for. I mean,  For starters, it had a limited space for a limited range of sports, like running and jogging, so people could not play some sports like basketball or soccer which required a larger space. Also, the paths were usually uneven and they even got muddy on rainy days when it poured. What was worse, there used to be fewer trees and flowers in the park, which meant that it was identical to a small area within a community. Luckily, the government decided to do something about it. One effective measure they take is to increase the space, so people nowadays can run a few more laps along the path without getting injured. Apart from this, they can play basketball or soccer as a result of the increased space. I mean, the government designates a specific area for basketball court and a football pitch is added to the original floor plan. Now more trees are planted throughout the park, which provides shady areas for people to relax and rest after playing sports on a hot summer day. Flowers are also dotted hereand there, which adds to beauty of the park. Above all, residents living nearby get to breathe the fresh air or take the mind off things after a long day of work. And if they want to, they can spend quality time with their family members and friends in the park, playing chess in the lazy afternoon or having a picnic on weekends. However, what comes as a surprise is that more facilities are newly installed. For instance, there’s the children zone where they can play happily or run wild and free with their friends.

  Language Bits

  It’s no exaggeration to say that 毫不夸张地说

  a stone’s throw from 某个地方     离某个地方非常近

  originally 原先

  fail to serve the purpose of sth 没能发挥......的目的

  has a limited space 空间有限

  a limited range of 有很少种类的......

  uneven 不平坦的

  muddy 泥泞的

  when it poured 当下倾盆大雨的时候

  be identical to 与......一致,简直一模一样

  shady areas 荫凉处

  designate a specific area for 指定一个特定的区域

  sth. be dotted here and there 什么东西到处可见,到处点缀着......

  take one’s mind off things 摆脱烦恼,卸下思想负担

  What comes as a surprise is that 让人惊喜/惊讶的是

  run wild and free 自由地奔跑

  最后:总结上文要点,提炼出你的看法--benefit the public

  For me, the renovation is a positive development that will definitely benefit the public. Maybe it is a wise move for the government to upgrade the equipment or renovate the outdated facilities.

  Language Bits

  It is a wise move for somebody to do sth 某人做某事是明智的举动,更多详情咨询老师即可~



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