有多少同学梦想过在雅思口语考场上,一开口就让考官意识到你这个人不一般,发出“是个狠人”的赞叹!实不相瞒,小编之前也经常幻想这样的场景,但要是说只有native speaker能惊艳native speaker,那大家就太谦虚啦!
雅思口语中Part 1是大家最先向考官展示自己的环节,但由于时间限制又不能说得过多,那如何在第一句话就让考官眼前一亮,对你印象超好
注:为了方便同学们“对号入座”,小编按照part 1中常遇到的情况分了类,一起看下去吧~
Part 1中非常常见的一类问题就是,考生是否喜爱某种事物,比如:
Do you like music?
Do you like art?
Do you like social media?
Do you like coffee?
相较于平淡的“Yes, I like it.“,同学们可以用下面这两个短语:
1. Yes, I can’t get enough of it.
在使用的时候要注意,当问题中是问的复数,比如“Do you like books?”,记得切换成“Yes, I can’t get enough of them.”
2. What I like most about it is
Do you like science?
Yes, what I like most about it is it’s so interesting. For example, last week I read an article about solar panels(太阳能板) and how we can use them.
3. I love that because it allows me to
Do you like social media?
Yes, I love that because it allows me to connect with family and friends at the press of a button.详情咨询老师即可~