叮咚~ 今日机考中心的口语考情来啦
【Part 1】
1. Work or studies
2. Daily Routine
3. Handwriting
4. Apps
5. Hometown
6. Dreams
7. Taking photos
【Part 2&3】
[Part 2]?Describe a time you visited a new place
[Part 3]
1. new companies
2. vocation
3. new places
[Part 2] Describe a good service you received
[Part 3]?
1. 你接受过中国什么公司的优质服务?
2. 有哪些职业需要面对公众?
[Part 2] Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting
[Part 3]
1. 去外国前学习当地的语言重要吗?
2. 在跨国公司工作有好处还是坏处?
3. 跨国公司是否应该开设语言课还是跨文化课?
4. 哪些外国的品牌在中国比当地的品牌更受欢迎?
[Part 2] Describe something you received for free