Describe a skill that you learnt from an older person
You should say:
What the skill is
Who you learnt it from
How you learnt it
And explain how you feel about it
说实话,技能类的话题我之前专门有写过,可只要雅思官方在"skill"后面加了些定语之后,很多学生又开始束手无策,比如,这题中的"learnt from an older person"。
第一很多同学会纠结"older person"的年龄界限,认为必须是一个老年人才行,或者一个看似年轻人拥有的技能不太可能是老年人教的。
1. 任何一个比你年纪大的人都可以是"older person"。并且这个人可以是老师,也可以是你的家人,比如,你的哥哥姐姐叔叔阿姨等。
2. 年长的人能教的技能并不局限于"织毛衣、种地等",那些看似年轻化的技能,他们依旧可以。比如:苏翊鸣的日本教练佐藤先生(47岁)
生活中的每一个步骤都是一个技能,比如:camping 野营/ do laundry 洗衣服/ do the room 打扫房间/ make the bed 整理床铺等
2. 休闲娱乐技能
和艺术/运动等相关的皆可,比如:calligraphy 书法/ flower arranging 插花/ painting 画画/ dancing 跳舞/snowboarding 单板滑雪/ figure skating 花样滑冰/ running 跑步等。
任何一份工作都是一项技能。我作为一名老师,对应的就是teaching skill; 程序员对应的就是programming。
除此之外,你还可以思考一些学习/工作中需要用到的辅助技能。比如:time management 时间管理技能/ video editing 视频剪辑技能/ Excel等各类软件使用技能。
What the skill is
Popularity 受欢迎程度
Example: A skill that comes to mind is snowboarding, which used to be less popular in my country, as we don't have much snow. But this year, with the opening of the Beijing winter Olympic Games and the fact that Chinese athletes are excelling in 擅长 this sport, it is taking off 正在逐渐受欢迎. Lots of young people are intrigued 被吸引 and keen to try it, including myself.
How to learn 如何学
A skill that comes to mind is English academic writing skills. As my school doesn’t run a course for this, I learnt it by myself at first. I followed lots of tutorials 教程 online which were mainly posted by excellent students studying in top notch 一流的 universities like Cambridge and Oxford. Even though they gave me so many great ideas, it wasn’t really enough and I felt I needed a different approach. A friend of mine suggested hiring a private tutor.
Easy or Difficult 简单还是难
"Easy or difficult"也是"skill"类型话题里常出现的一个小问题。我们在思考过程中,可以按"主次"或"时间线"进行答题。
-Easy:It's not rocket science/ It's a walk in the park/ It's a piece of cake etc.
-Difficult: Tough/ challenging etc.
A skill that comes to mind is time management. It isn’t rocket science 简单 for self-disciplined 自律的 people. However, for me, a procrastinator 拖延症患者, it’s a challenge to manage my time well. Because of this, I decided to learn some techniques.
How you know about it 你怎么知道的
step one: 最开始怎么知道的(谁告知的?从某处得知的?在某个时间段获悉的?)
step two: 最开始的印象(了解到哪些内容以及这些内容是否让你产生想要进一步了解的兴趣?)
step three: 若感兴趣,最终就决定去学习它。
Example: A skill that comes to mind is programming. The first time I heard about it was in my high school. I had a programming course but I wasn’t really keen at that time. However, As i got older I became very tech-savvy and showed great interest in coding and developing new software, so I really wanted to learn it in more detail.
Who you learnt it from
1. 从人着手
2. 从5W1H着手
"5w1h"包括:when/where/who/why/what/how/ how much/ how often/how long
Example one:
I followed in my cousin’s footsteps 跟随某人的脚步. Even though he is an accountant, he has a great passion for snowboarding and started learning it when he was only 10. In recent years, he has won several medals in domestic competitions. Because of this, I thought he was a great person to teach me.
However, he had a very hectic 繁忙的 work schedule, he could only teach me on the weekends. We usually got up at the crack of dawn 早起 and went to the slopes (山谷或山丘)的斜坡. Even though it is a bit far from where we live, the professional facilities, such as ramps 坡道 and jumps, offered us a great platform to learn.
How you learnt it
"How you learnt it"等同于"How the person taught you"。为此,你可以还原到你参加过的任何一门课程中,想想老师的课程内容都是怎么在安排的?
① 技巧+练习
Our classes were always very productive 搞笑的. Each class, he spent about 20 mins teaching me new tricks 技巧, usually from simple to difficult. He taught me step by step and told me what to avoid when doing the moves so I wouldn't get hurt. After learning the new tricks, I practiced. He then pointed out all the mistakes I made and gave me advice and tips to improve.
② 课堂内容+阶段性测试
He usually taught us new tricks in the classes like how to turn around and how to jump high. He demonstrated 演示 the new tricks for me again and again until I got the hang of 掌握...的技巧 them and then I tried them myself. Every month, he would also organize some small competitions and I needed to compete with his other students. I usually lost but finally in my last competition, I won first place 第一名 and I was over the moon 欣喜若狂. 最后更多详情咨询老师即可~