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雅思口语Part1解析和答案:Special Costumes

2021-12-31 | 编辑:y | 分享到
摘要:雅思口语Part1解析和答案:Special Costumes

  我们来聊下Special Costumes吧!

  奇装异服,表面上这个词语自带“特殊”的滤镜,好像是刻意要和生活中常见的衣服划分界限。其实,奇装异服,现在逐渐不那么“新奇”, 这是一个宣扬个性,推崇多样审美的年代,一个用衣服去展现自我的年代。

  今天,我们来看下雅思口语Part1常考题Special Costumes吧!

  Let’s talk about special costumes.

  Special costumes

  Do you like to wear special costumes?

  Did you try any special costumes when you were young?

  When was your last time to wear special costumes?

  Do you ever buy special costumes?


  别急,没吃过猪肉还没见过猪跑么?你看了那么多的Disney Movies, DC 和Marvel Movies! 说就对了!万圣节派对,估计也参加过吧!所以,有话可讲!


 雅思口语Part1解析和答案:Special Costumes

  Essential Vocabulary:

  Be dressed up as/be dressed as

  On special occasions

  Go to the Halloween’s Party

  On Halloween’s Day

  On Christmas Day

  Santa Claus

  Snow White from the Disney Cartoon

  Elsa from the animation movie Frozen

  Put on穿上

  The costume of……的服装

  The character角色

  At the comic exhibition

  Be eye-catching 吸睛

  The center of attention注意力的中心

  Draw the attention 吸引注意力

  Be tight 很紧

  Can’t breathe无法呼吸

  Show one’s personality展示某人的个性



  Do you like wearing special costumes?

  Cue: 如果是喜欢穿special costumes,可以代入喜欢的电影角色,并且围绕这个角色和电影去组织答案

  Yes: Sure. I really love wearing special costumes, especially the costumes of characters from Marvel movie. My whole closet is stuffed with costumes of Spiderman, Iron Man, Doctor Strange…(And when I put on those costumes, I feel like I’ve become the characters who have great power.)

  No: No. I think it’s weird if I do that. I mean, I’ll become the center of attention. People might eye me from head to toe, which is really…uncomfortable. Plus, these costumes are super skinny-tight. I can’t even breathe if I wear them.


  Thinking of it, that was… two years ago, at the Halloween Party…on Halloween’s Eve. I was dressed as Spiderman and had fun with a bunch of friends who also wore the costumes of characters from various Superhero movies. That was a night to remember!


  Well, if I’m not mistaken, that was…probably…a year ago, a few days before the Halloween? I was dressed as Elsa from Frozen, and I even put on the same make-up as the character in the movie. 此处笑出了声…


  Do you ever buy special costumes?  Yes: Like I just said, I’m a crazy fan of Marvel Movies, so I’ve got this whole closet of costumes. I bought them all online, which, I gotta say, were really expensive. Can you believe that a costume of Spiderman cost more than 1000 yuan?  No: Normally, I don’t wear any special costumes except when there are some special occasions like Halloween Party or Christmas Party. So I see no need to buy them, and even if I wear them on these occasions, I can always hire them from some clothing shops, which… is a lot cheaper than buying them online or in a tailor-made costume store.




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授课风格:亲切有耐心,化繁为简,因材施教。善于发现学生的优点和倾听学生... [详情]