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2021-12-14 | 编辑:y | 分享到



  Describe a difficult decision that you oncemade You should say:

  What the decision was

  When you made your decision

  What the results of the decision were

  And explain why it was difficult to make







  It was a decision that I made a few years ago. I broke up with my ex-boyfriend. At that time,we had been dating for 3 years. He visited my hometown and saw all my family members. I also went to his home and had dinner with his family members. I thought we would get married,but things started to go in the wrong direction. He was suffering from insomnia every day because of stress. He was the kind of person who had a pessimistic attitude towards life. That is to say,he always saw the worst side of things and never hoped for the best. Even if something good happened, he would still not be happy for long. Under his influence, I too became negative andI was getting sick because of my bad emotions. I thought about breaking up with him many times, however, I felt sorry for his situation and I didn't want him to be alone. If he had to facehis difficulties alone, I worried that he might not be able to tolerate it and might even commit suicide. Therefore, it was a really difficult decision. Whether to break up or not? It was driving me crazy. Later, something happened and he hurt me with his words. He said somethingreally awful and suddenly I didn't want to talk any more. I didn't want to see his face or to send hima message. Finally, we broke up and I felt great. It was such a big relief that I celebrated fortwo weeks. Now, to think about it, it was really a good decision that I made up my mind. Hedidn't deserve my love.


  What decisions do people usually make in their dailylives? People make all kinds of decisions every day. We may decide what to wear and what to eatthe night before the next morning. Also, we may suddenly decide to quit our jobs and rest for a while. Some students may decide not to go to some classes if they get sick. People who are suffering from a bad romance would decide to eventually break up. Anyways, various decisions are made by individuals all the time.

  Which is easier, making a decision by yourself or making a decision after group discussion?  For me, making a decision by myself is easier. I tend to follow my heart and respect my thoughts. I may listen to others' suggestions if they are willing to give me any, however, people tendto have different opinions because of their various understanding of things. I seldom let others affect me. What they say is not as important as how I see things and how I want things to happen. Therefore, I usually make decisions bymyself.

  Why are many young people unwilling to follow their parents’advice?  It's understandable. Many young people have more advanced ideas about something. Let'ssay, to choose a career. Parents may give some conventional advice that young people are not interested in at all. Parents may want their children to do the same kinds of jobs that they are doing. However, children may not be attracted to the jobs that their parents engage in. They may have other ideas. That's why many young people are unwilling to follow their parents' advice.

  Why would middle-aged people tend to second guess their owndecisions?

  It's hard to say. I seldom discuss things with middle-aged people. I guess it's probablybecause they made mistakes before. For example, when they were younger, they made someimpulsive decisions and it didn't turn out to be good. Therefore, as they grow older, they learn the lesson and believe that it would be wiser and more cautious to think before they leap. They aremore mature than before and they tend to second guess their decisions before making final ones. It's actually very smart.



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