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2021-12-06 | 编辑:y | 分享到

  Describe a businessman you admire.


  同样是商人,为何有些商人不仅能积累巨额财富,还可以赢得大众的认可,社会的尊重呢?他们有什么样的魅力,让人们去admire呢?今天我们来通过一道Part 2题目来一睹他们的风采吧!

  Describe a businessman you admire.

  You should say:

  Who the person is

  How you knew this person

  What kind of business this person does

  And explain why you admire this person

  (Note: The pictures are downloaded from the internet. Source: Microsoft Edge, Being


  Threads of thought



  2.简单进行介绍这位businessman的基本信息: 名字,国籍,出生年龄地点,身份,公司名字等


  网络internet?/杂志magazine?/interview on television电视专访?/传记biography?/传记影片biopic?


  5.展开介绍敬佩他/她的原因,可以运用例子进行阐述.围绕个性展开,比如: 你可以说他平易近人,不摆架子,可以说他有社会责任感和担当,可以说有爱心捐款捐物,可以说爱国,可以说有创新意识和远见卓识等.


  Sample Answer: Honestly, there are tons of successful, rich and famous businessmen out there in the world! But if you ask me who I really admire, I think I would say it has to be the one and only, Bill Gates! I bet most people on this planet know who he is. He’s a big name in the IT industry and his name is always seen on top of the Forbes Fortune List. He’s the CEO and founder of Microsoft, an internet giant. He’s the American entrepreneur, the tycoon, the philanthropist…There’s just so much about him. So I guess I just start by telling you how I first heard about him. Well, thinking of it, it must have been around 12 years ago, when I first learned how to use the computer and surf the internet. I remember there was this special logo running on the screen called Window when the computer was booted. It got me intrigued, so I googled the story behind it and learnt that it was called Window, a logo from Microsoft Company started by Bill Gates. Then I read lots of articles about him and gradually I had this…admiration for him.

  Speaking of what kind of business he does, of course,  we already know that he starts the Microsoft company, develops the computer operating system-Window, that’s still widely used nowadays, produces and sells digital products like Surface Pro, Microsoft Laptop, etc. Needless to say, he earns a huge fortune from all this. However, he also invests in other fields like environmental protection, alternative energy, to name only a few, and he reaps a large profit from them.

  So… from what I just mentioned, it is plain to see that he is someone really creative, incredibly talented and truly amazing…I mean, if he doesn’t have original and creative ideas, how can he start up such a successful company, how can he develop such a powerful computer system that revolutionizes  the way we work, how can he earn such fame and fortune? So I guess that’s one reason I admire him. And I suppose another reason would be that he’s really generous with his money and uses it wisely for the right cause and to the right end. For example, he starts his own foundation, delivering aids to those living under the poverty line, suffering from rare diseases, struggling in the midst of war and famine. He also helps raise funds for those non-profit organizations and charities. And another thing I’d like to add is that he’s really knowledgeable. So if you are an avid reader of different books, be sure to check out his list of 10 Books You Must Read For the Year ! I’m sure you’ll get inspirations from those books.

  …That’s all.

  Pearl of Wisdom


  tons of 很多,一大堆…

  rich and famous(经常连用) 形容名利双收的人

  the one and only 独一无二的

  a big name 形容一个人是某个领域的 “大神”

  on the top of the list榜单前排

  an internet giant网络巨头

  get me intrigued让我感到好奇

  it must’ve been一定是…

  sth be widely used 被广泛使用

  reaps a large profit from sth 从某东西获得巨大利益

  a philanthropist 慈善家

  fame and fortune 名利(常用短语,押F头韵短语)

  be generous with sth 对…很大方

  deliver aids to 对…提供援助

  raise funds for 为…筹集资金

  under the poverty line在贫困线以下

  in the midst of 在…的阴影,困境中(如战争,瘟疫等阴影中)

  get inspiration from 从…中获得灵感

  an avid reader 形容非常,非常喜欢读书的那类人… 更多话题,详情咨询老师即可~



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