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剑16来了,口语出题风向改变了吗? ——为你深度解析剑16口语问题,附范文!

2021-07-21 | 编辑:y | 分享到
摘要:剑16来了,口语出题风向改变了吗? ——为你深度解析剑16口语问题,附范文!



 剑16来了,口语出题风向改变了吗? ——为你深度解析剑16口语问题,附范文!

  | Part 1|

  “我们先来看看/Part 1 ”


  【Test 1】 People you study/work with

  这是一个非常常规的话题了,在口语题库里存在了很多年,算是最基础的话题,一般会在雅思口语考试Part 1第一个话题关于study/work中出现。


  - Who do you spend most time studying with?

  - Definitely my desk mate and best friend, Nora. We always go to the library together and most of the time we are in the same team when there is a team project to be done.

  【Test 2 】Flowers and plants



  -Have you ever bought flowers for someone else?

  -Yes. I have. In fact, I always buy a carnation bouquet for my mom on her birthday because it symbolizes gratitude and love.

  【Test 3 】Summer

  可能这个话题乍一听大家会心里打个小鼓——夏天要怎么问啊?但其实问题都不难,比如Is summer your favorite time of year? 还是我们之前在公众号文章讲过的“是啥答啥”原则,


  -Is summer your favorite time of year?

  -I’d say yes. Because I really enjoy eating ice cream in summer and I love the school vacation, water sports and even colorful clothes people wear.

  【Test 4】 Fast food

  依然是一个很日常的话题——毕竟所有Part 1里的问题都是“关于你”的问题。考官的开场白也是:Now, in this first part, I’d like to ask some questions about yourself.


  - When would you go to a fast-food restaurant?

  - Well, when I don’t have enough time for lunch or if I don’t feel like cooking dinner, I’d go to McDonald or KFC to grab some hamburger, fries and soda. Sometimes I would meet up with my friends in a McDonald restaurant close to my home at weekends because the environment there is very relaxing.

  | Part 2|

  1. Describe a tourist attraction you enjoyed visiting.

  2. Describe a review you read about product or service.

  3. Describe a luxury item you would like to own in the future.

  4. Describe some technology (e.g. an app, phone software program) that you decided to stop using.

  这4个Part 2的话题基本上可以说不是在题库里已有的,就是“换汤不换药”了。比如Describe a tourist attraction you enjoyed visiting——旅游景点题。

  旅行题是雅思口语Part 2的必备素材之一,不管是从描述一段旅行经历,还是一个具体的景点,甚至是某个建筑,都是要准备的。



 剑16来了,口语出题风向改变了吗? ——为你深度解析剑16口语问题,附范文!

  Describe a review you read about product or service. 这个题倒是挺“与时俱进”,跟着时代往前走。



剑16来了,口语出题风向改变了吗? ——为你深度解析剑16口语问题,附范文!

  Describe a luxury item you would like to own in the future. ——这是一个“畅想未来”的话题。

  其实我个人觉得,Part 2中只要是涉及到in the future的话题,都可以大胆想象,比如这个季度5月——8月在考的Describe a perfect a job you would like to have in the future你以后想做的完美工作。这里的a luxury item一件奢侈的东西

剑16来了,口语出题风向改变了吗? ——为你深度解析剑16口语问题,附范文!

  Describe some technology (e.g. an app, phone, software program) that you decided to stop using. 描述一个你不想再用的一个技术方面的东西(比如一个手机应用,手机,软件,等等)。





  Describe a luxury item you would like to own in the future.

  You should say:

  what item you would like to own

  what this item looks like

  why you would like to own this item

  and explain whether you think you will ever own this item.

  Well, the luxury item I really want to have in the future is a big house in Shenzhen or Guangzhou, where the weather is warm. This house has 3 floors and a big garden. There is a big glass wall living room on the first floor. On a sunny day you can lie on the sofa and read books or just watch the garden and zoon out. Your dog runs around in the living room or sleeps on the carpet. When guests come, this place is also big enough for a party. There is also an open-plan kitchen where family can cook and talk together. This house also has 5 bedrooms, one for my parents, one for my sister, one for myself, and another two for the guests. The study room is on the third floor where all the books I collect can be stored there.

  The reason why I want to have a house like this is that I want to live with my family. And another reason is that I want to raise a dog. You know, right now I’m living in a mid-sized apartment close to the city center, where it is tough to keep a dog coz there is not enough space for the dog run around, neither at home nor in the apartment complex. So, this is why I want to have a big house with a big garden. I also want it to be in a warm place because it is good for my parents’ health especially in the wintertime.

  Will I ever own this item? Well, thinking of the rocket high housing price in SZ and GZ, I’d say it is super difficult. But, I’d like to try. Maybe one day I’ll cross it off from my wishing list. Who knows

  剑16来了,口语出题风向改变了吗? ——为你深度解析剑16口语问题,附范文!

  | Part 3|

  “接下来是Part 3/主题仍然从Part 2延续下来”

  由于篇幅原因,Part 3我们就只接着上面luxury item的话题,来做一个问题的答题示范。

  luxury item话题后的Part 3提问方向剑16上是这么写的:

  - Expensive things

  - Rich people


  Which expensive items would many young people in your country like to buy?



  Um, …I suppose girls like to buy some cosmetics, clothes and handbags from some luxury brands like LV, GUCCI, CHANEL, YSL and so on. You can see many girls post their photos wearing these on the social media like Weibo, the Chinese twitter and TIKTOK. And for boys, I think they definitely like to spend a lot of money on games, the latest sneakers from NIKE and ADIDAS. I remember there was a hot news that many of the boys are willing to spend RMB 5,000 for a pair of NIKE sport shoes.



  所以这个示范里是把young people干脆利落地“一分为二”,分成了男生和女生来说。


  “ 总结就是——






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