2021年1月雅思口语变题预测,虽然现在处于 2020 年12 月,但1月考试的考生千万不能坐以待毙,
不仅需要准备话题,而且需要准备得更多。1 月底前后会出更新版。
鑫姐雅思口语 Part 1 预测
1. Name 名字
l What’s your full name?
l Is there any special meaning of your name?
l Do you like your name?
2. Study or work 学习或工作
l 通用问题 Are you studying or working?
More questions for Students:
l How many hours do you study every week?
l What can help people to study?
l Do you think students should have challenge in the university?
l What subjects are you studying?
l Why did you choose to study your major? / Do you like your major?
Questions for Working people:
l 通用问题 Are you studying or working?
l What work do you do? (如果上题回答未曾提及具体工作) l Why did you choose to do that job?
l Do you think being a student is better? / Do you miss being a student?
l Do you like your job?/ Do you like working in the current working environment?
3. Hometown 家乡
l Where’s your hometown? (Is that a big city or a small place? + describe your
hometown a little.)
l How long have you lived there/here? l Do you like living there/here? l Where do you live?
l Are there any differences between your hometown and living city?
4. Accommodation/house or flat/living 居住/房子或公寓
l Do you prefer to live in a house or flat/apartment? l Do you live in a house or a flat/apartment? l How long have you lived there?
l Which room (of your home) do you like best?/Can you say something about
the room?
l Which room do you spend most of the time with your family in?
5. Stages of life 人生阶段
l Do you enjoy your current stage of life?
l In which stage of your life were you the happiest?
l Which stage of your life do you think is the most important?
l What’s your plan for your next stage of life?
6. Clothes 衣服
l What's your favorite color of clothes?
l What kind of clothes do you never wear?
l What kind of clothes do you usually wear?
l Do you wear the same style of clothes on weekdays and at weekends?
7. Change 改变
l Have you changed a lot since your childhood?
l What do you plan to change next year?
l Do you like changes? Why?
l Are there any changes in your hometown?
8. Handwriting 手写
l Do you often write with a pen?
l Can we tell someone's personality from his or her handwriting?
l What's the difference of writing with a pen and typing on a computer?
l Is your handwriting easy to read for other people?
9. Furniture 家具
l Do you have a lot of furniture in your home?
l Is there anyone who bought furniture for you?
l What kind of furniture would you like to buy?
l Which furniture do you like best in your home?
10. List/listing 清单/列清单
l Do you make a list when you shop?
l Do you make a list for your work? Does it work?
l Why don't some people like making lists?
l Do you prefer to make a list on paper or your phone?
11. In a hurry 匆忙
l What do you always do in a hurry? Why?
l What kind of things would you never do in a hurry?
l Do you usually go out in a hurry?
l Do you like to be in a hurry?
12. Weekend 周末
l What do you usually do on weekends?
l Did you do anything special last weekend?
l What will you do next weekend?
l What do other people in your hometown usually do on weekends?
13. Picnic 野餐
l Did you go on a picnic when you were a child?
l How often do you go on a picnic now?
l Where do you go on a picnic?
l What is the difference between a picnic and cooking at home?
14. Recycle 回收
l Did you recycle when you were a kid?
l Do you recycle now? Why?
l Will you recycle in the future?
l What kind of things do you recycle?
15. Sport 运动
l What sports did you do when you were a kid?
l What's your favorite sport? Why?
l Do you watch sport matches? Why?
l Are you a fan of any sport teams? Why?
16. Text message 短信
l Do you like texting?
l Do you prefer sending or receiving messages?
l Have you ever received a confusing text message?
l In what circumstances is making a phone call better than sending a text
17. Famous people 名人
l Have you ever met any famous people?
l What kind of famous people are you interested in?
l If you had a chance, which famous person would you like to meet?
l Do you want to become famous?
18. Sleeping & staying up 睡觉与熬夜
l Do you often stay up late? /How many hours do you sleep every day?/ How
many hours’ sleep do you need?
l Do you take a nap at noon?
l What do you do when you stay up late?/Do you like reading before sleeping?
l How has your sleeping habit changed since you were a kid?
l What are the benefits /is the importance of good sleep?
l How do you feel when you have stayed up late the night before?
19. Tidiness 整齐、整洁
l Are you a tidy person? l How do you keep things tidy?
l Do you think people should be tidy all the time?
l Are you tidier at work/school or at home?
20. Shopping 购物
l Do you think expensive products are always better than cheaper ones?
l Do you like shopping?
l Do you compare prices when you shop?
l Is it difficult for you to make choices when you shop?
21. Discussion 讨论
l Do you prefer to talk or to listen?
l What do you like to talk about?
l Have your discussion topics changed since you were a child?
l Do you change your opinion frequently?
22. Gift 礼物
l What’s the best present/gift you have ever received?
l Do you give expensive gifts?
l What do you give others as gifts? l What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?
23. Newspapers & magazines 报纸和杂志
l Do you read newspapers or magazines? (素材回答同理与对 What do you
think of newspapers?或 Do you read news online?的回答角度) l What kinds of news do you read?
l Do you read international news or local news?
l Do you often talk about news with your friends?
24. Meeting new people 见新人或新朋友
l Do you like meeting new people?
l How do you feel when people welcome you?
l Do you often meet new people?
l Can you tell if you like someone when you meet him or her for the first time?
25. Joke & comedies 笑话&喜剧
l Are you good at telling jokes?
l Do your friends like to tell jokes?
l Do you like to watch comedies?
l Have you ever watched a live show?
26. Public transports/transportation 公共交通
l How do you often go to work or school?
l How did you come here today?
l Do you often take public transports?
l What do you often do on public transports?
27. Fish & fishing 鱼&钓鱼
l Do you like eating fish?
l Where do you buy fish?
l Where can you see fish?
l Why do people go fishing?
28. Borrowing or lending 借东西
l How do you feel when people don’t return things they borrowed from you?
l Do you like to lend things to others?
l Have you ever borrowed money from others?
l Have you borrowed books from others?
29. Movies 电影
l Do you like watching movies? What kind of movies?
l How often do you go to cinema? With whom?
l Have movies that you like changed a lot? /Are there any differences between
the movies you liked before and now?
30. Friends 朋友
l What do you think makes good friends?
l Do you keep in contact with friends from your childhood?
l What kinds of people do you like to make friends with?
l Do you think you are a good friend for others?
31. Walking 步行
l Where do you usually take a walk?
l Do you walk more often than in the past?
l Do you walk a lot?
l Do you think people will walk more in the future?
32. Concentration 集中精力
l When do you need to be focused?
l What may distract you when you are trying to be focused?
l Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?
l What do you do to help you concentrate?
33. Living area/the area you live in 居住区域
l Do you like living in your living area?
l Has there been any change in your living place recently? / Is there anything
you are unsatisfied about your living area?
l Do you know any celebrity in your living area?
l Where do you like to go within your living area?
34. Pet/animals 宠物/动物
l Have you ever seen any wild animals before?
l Do you like going to the zoo?
l Have you ever had a pet when you were young?
l Are there many people keeping pets in your country?
l What pets will you keep if you want?
35. Driving 驾驶
36. Train 火车
37. Plant 植物 或 flower 花
鑫姐雅思口语 Part 2 预测
1. Describe a good decision you made recently.好决定
2. Describe a book you read that you found useful.书
3. Describe a photo of you that you like.照片
4. Describe a prize that you received.奖
5. Describe a line or a few words that you remember from a poem or song.诗或歌
6. Describe a conversation topic that you were not interested in 谈话话题
7. Describe a time when you received good news.好消息
8. Describe a time when you worked in a group.一组人一起做事
9. Describe a time when you forgot something important.忘记
10. Describe a person who often helps others.乐于助人
11. Describe an ambition that you have had for a long time.雄心壮志
12. Describe an old friend that you got in contact with again. 老朋友
13. Describe a family (not your own) that you like and are happy to know.家庭
14. Describe a time when you saw children behave badly in public.孩子行为糟糕
15. Describe something you enjoyed doing with a group of people.喜欢与一组人做
16. Describe an event you experienced in which you didn't like the music played.不
17. Describe an intelligent person you know.智慧的人
18. Describe the time when you first talked in a foreign language.第一次用外语
19. Describe a time when you changed your opinion.改变想法
20. Describe a person who shows his or her feelings openly.直率的人
21. Describe an energetic person that you know.精力充沛的人
22. Describe an area of science (physics, biology, psychology, etc.) that interests you.
23. Describe a film that made you laugh.让你笑的电影
24. Describe an expensive activity that you enjoy doing occasionally.贵活动
25. Describe a tradition in your country.传统
26. Describe a short-term job you want to have in a foreign country.外国短期工作
27. Describe a sport you want to try for the first time. 想第一次尝试的运动
28. Describe a place that you visited and has been affected by pollution 污染之地
29. Describe a friend who is a good leader. 领导
30. Describe a foreign country you want to know about. 外国
31. Describe a large company you are interested in. 大公司
32. Describe a time when a family member asked you for help.家人求助
33. Describe an occasion when you wore the best clothes. 穿最好衣服
34. Describe a dinner you really enjoyed with your friends.正餐
35. Describe a film that made you think a lot. 让你思考很多的电影
36. Describe someone or something that made a lot of noise. 噪音
37. Describe an app(application) or a program you usually use on your
phone/computer. 应用或程序
38. Describe a time when you were surprised to meet a friend. 遇到朋友感到惊讶
39. Describe an occasion when you wasted your time. 浪费时间
40. Describe an occasion when you lost your way. 迷路
41. Describe a (long) car journey you went on. 汽车之旅
42. Describe a risk you have taken which had a positive result. 冒险
43. Describe a time when you learned from a mistake you have made. 错误中学
44. Describe a city that you have been to and would like to visit again. 想要再去之 地
45. Describe a place (not your home) where you are able to relax. 放松之地
46. Describe a person who you are happy to know. 开心认识的人
47. Describe an old person you know and respect.尊敬的老人
48. Describe a person who taught you a skill in when you were a child. 教你的人
49. Describe an experience that you played an indoor game with others. 室内游戏
50. Describe a new public building you enjoyed visiting 公共建筑
51. Something that is special to you 特别之事物
52. Something you saved money for 为之攒钱的某事物
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