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2019-11-26 | 编辑:y | 分享到

雅思考试口语Part3大部分考题的难度系数能够说成等于雅思作文题目的难度系数,可是与口语不一样的是,雅思写作会给考生很多的构思時间,考生能够边想边写;而口语一部分则沒有给考生一切的提前准备時间就要开始了。因此,许多考生来到这一环节只有抓瞎了。下面小编就来分享雅思口语技巧相关:雅思口语第三部分评价类题拓展回答技巧 ,小编直接结合例子来分享


问题:Do you think that it’s necessary to have clear plan for the future?

回答:(直接回答D) I think it’s insignifificant to fully understand what I want to do in my future plans.

(评价/缺点)In my opinion, there are certain number of disadvantages on setting up plans  in advance. Obviously, in terms of tasks beyond my ability, a carefully-made plan enables me to  have a deeper understanding on tasks, which may enhance the inflfluence of procrastination.  That’s because the more deeply i understand my plan, the more unconfifident i will be.

(总结D) That’s why i deny the values of establishing life plans.



问题:Do you think that it’s necessary to have clear plan for the future?

回答:(直接回答D) I think it’s quite vital to fully understand what I want to do in my future plans.

(评价/优点)In my opinion, there are certain number of advantages on setting up plans in  advance. the most important one is to ensure high effiffifficiency in work or study. A carefully-made  plan saves us a large amount of time and diminishes the inflfluence of procrastination.

(总结D)That’s why i strongly acknowledge the values of establishing life plans.

关于:雅思口语第三部分评价类题拓展回答技巧 小编就分享到这里了,祝考生们早日和雅思分手哦~~  



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