雅思口语考官范文PART3有关part的话题讨论,怎样讲出一嘴让评委都惊叹的內容,一要措辞精确二是表述正宗,下面广州雅思考试培训小编要分享的是: 雅思口语part3范文必备
1. Doyou think parties will become more popular in thefuture?
No, I don't think anything will change. Peoplehave always had parties, and I'm sure they always will in thefuture. Humans need to socialise and enjoy themselves, and partiesare one of the best ways to do that.
2. Whattypes of party do people have, and why are partiesimportant?
People have parties to celebrate specialoccasions like birthdays, weddings, or the beginning of a new year.I think it's important to celebrate these things because they arelandmarks in our lives. Parties are a good way to bring peopletogether, and they're an opportunity to let off somesteam.
3. Whydo you think some people like parties but others hatethem?
Most people like parties because they have agood time at them - eating a nice meal, chatting to friends, orhaving a dance. People who don't like them might find socialsituations difficult because they are shy, or maybe they don'tenjoy having to make small talk with people they don'tknow.
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